

CORE Movie Tour Climbs into HUB

Next Tuesday, the CORE Movie Tour will tie down and set up camp at the HUB-Robeson Center for a screening of Chuck Fryberger’s climbing documentary CORE. Join the Penn State Outing Club in getting to the heart of climbing, following some of the world’s best climbers on their most exotic and difficult endeavors.

The movie has received high reviews for its excellent low-budget cinematography. Shot in 35mm Ultra High Definition, CORE will allow you to see the reality of climbs in places like South Africa and Helsinki, Finland. Immerse yourself in the challenge, enjoy the satisfaction, and indulge in the thrills of climbing at the higest level–from a nice comfy seat in the HUB. Travel the world in HD without even leaving Happy Valley.

The screening will take place next Tuesday, April 20th at 9:00 PM in the HUB Auditorium. Tickets can be purchased at any Penn State Outing Club Meeting (Tuesdays, 7:00PM in 362 Willard) or Appalachian Outdoors (123 South Allen) for $10.

CORE Official Trailer from Chuck Fryberger on Vimeo.

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