

Day: October 6, 2010

Help Make the Honor Code More Honorable

Do you have trouble facing yourself in the mirror? Ever question how you can fall asleep at night?

There is still time to redeem yourself! The College of Communications Student Council will be holding a forum Thursday, October 7 in Carnegie Cinema at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the Student Honor Code.

Women’s Soccer Suffers Heartbreak in Columbus

One week after posting a 1-0 victory over Michigan in their Big Ten opener, the tables were turned on the Lady Lions this past Sunday as they dropped a gut-wrencher to Ohio State by the same score, this defeat coming in overtime.

Eisenhower Gets Serious With Laramie Project

The Center for the Performing Arts will give you a reality check when it presents The Laramie Project tonight and follows it up with The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later, An Epilogue on Thursday night. Considering midterms are in most of our immediate futures, we’ll be in the perfect mindset for this performance.

Penn State’s Got Talent

Instead of the Airbands competition from last year (which gave too much of a Greek-sing vibe), organizations came together for the first For The Glory Homecoming talent show instead. Eisenhower Auditorium was packed with both Greek and other student organizations cheering their fellow members on.

To Infinity and Beyond: College of EMS Float

I had a chance to check in with the guys and gals of the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Student Council and see how their 2010 Homecoming float was coming along. The college has been involved with the Homecoming parade and float building for the past five years, and has always done an exceptional job--this year being no different.

Will Pennsylvania Become Gasland?

After watching Gasland this weekend at the State Theatre, I decided being able to light water on fire isn’t as awesome as it sounds. Gasland was basically 104 minutes of “Big oil is poisoning your water and lying to you about it.” Unconcerned with problems that don’t directly affect me, I thought about the Marcellus Shale. Could drilling it hurt the person I care for the most (me)?

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