

Day: November 10, 2010

Gaining Twitter Traction with 100 Days ’til THON

With 100 Days 'til THON, Twitter is beginning to go THON crazy. It's an annual thing now.

Over the past three years, the organization has become very adept at using Twitter and Facebook to rally its supporters. Last year THON benefited from @AbolishCancer, @PerezHIlton, and @KhloeKardashian. This year is starting to pick up and THON has begun tapping its resources in even more interesting ways.

Bob Dylan Rocks BJC “Like a Rolling Stone”

Legendary blues rocker Bob Dylan made it apparent that rock 'n' roll is alive and well at an unforgettable show at the Bryce Jordan Center last night.

Police on the Lookout After Indecent Exposure Incidents

Two exposure incidents last week have University Park police placing older indecent exposure cases at the top of their list. A man, described as college-aged with light-skinned with dark hair, wearing a ski mask, exposed himself at around 3 a.m. in the Food Sciences building on November 1, and a man of similar description flashed a female student around 11:30 p.m. on November 4 inside the Patterson Building. These come on the heels of an equally-perverted crime inĀ Simmons Hall, where a man was videotaping girls showering.

State College Borough Meeting

Borough Council Reaches Out, Town-Gown Style

The Off Campus Student Union (OCSU), along with the State College Borough, hosted a question and answer session last night. Walking into Heritage Hall, I was immediately accused of being a student only here for a class. In actuality, most of the audience was made up of graduate students with questions about housing projects, zoning laws, and noise violations.

Honor a Penn State Grad and Race Against Leukemia

Melissa Heydenreich was a Penn State graduate, who, after being diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia, passed away on New Years Day '97. This Sunday, November 14t Moxie-THON is hosting the 13th Annual Melissa Heydenreich 10k/5K A Race Against Leukemia.

Is eLion On Its Last Legs?

eLion, the course registration system (among other things) we all love to hate may have some changes in store. Members of the University Park Undergraduate Association's Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) have been working toward making big improvements to the system.

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