

Day: November 29, 2010

Buy Something Nice for Mom (And Support Springfield)

Each day this week from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Springfield THON Springfield will be selling jewelry, chocolate, and other gifts from Ten Thousand Villages, a non-profit organization that tries to help artisans in less developed countries by selling their goods in places like the HUB at Penn State!

HazOps Game Looks For Participants

Looking for a new game addition to add to your iPhone collection? IST assistant professor Will McGill might have you covered.

THON Now Blogging, FTK

THON is expanding beyond the world of Facebook fan pages and Twitter to complete a social media trifecta with its new blog, aimed to educate volunteers and donors about different aspects of the philanthropy. There have already been interview posts with Overall Chairperson Kirsten Kelly and members of the Overall Committee, inspirational videos, and an insider's look into the Donor and Alumni Relations committee.

Film Tour Gets You Ready to Rock… Climb!

If you’re anything like me, rock climbing ranks right up there with shark wrestling and dating Paris Hilton on your list of “Activities that are Hazardous to my Health.” The Penn State Outing Club seeks to rectify the situation by hosting the Penn State stop of the Fifth Annual Reel Rock Tour tonight in the HUB.

Women’s Volleyball Lose Final Game, Learn Tournament Draw

The Penn State women's volleyball team split their final two games of the season by sweeping Iowa and losing a five-set thriller to Minnesota last weekend. On Sunday, the Nittany Lions earned the fourth seed in the NCAA Tournament, meaning that they would host four games en route to the final four.

Penn State Reaches For Guinness World Record

On December 1, Penn State students will attempt to break the Guinness World Record for most people finishing a crossword puzzle. The event is hosted by Atlas and will be held in Alumni Hall in the HUB on Wednesday.

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