

Day: January 26, 2011

Overheard on Twitter: Sam Richards Dominates on

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The @TEDxPSU talk from Sam Richards has now eclipsed 100,000 views, the majority from outside the United States: than a minute ago via web

Natty Nittany: Fighting the Cold with Fashion

I’ve had several people over the last few weeks ask me why this segment is call the “Natty Nittany?” And no, it has nothing to do with Natty Light. Natty is actually defined as “neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance.” So that's what I'm looking for in the people I track down on the street. Which brings us to this weeks Natty Nattany! Check it out after the jump.

IFC and PHC Announce Community Coalition

Sometimes there's news in State College that seems like it should have happened years ago. This is one of those stories.

The Penn State Interfraternity Council and the Panhellenic Council announced a partnership this afternoon to form the IFC/PHC Community Coalition, which will be tasked with coordinating and strengthening the Greek community's stake in State College. The IFC/PHC Community Coalition has already planned a joint meeting of the IFC and PHC President's Councils on Monday, February 21, to discuss how the Greek community can provide leadership during the student-created drinking holiday.

The Phyrst Will Stop Blowing Smoke

Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em because starting Friday the Phyrst will make you go outside if you want to light up.

According to Penn State’s resident printed type peddlers, the decision came after patrons complained about smokiness and a general increase in odors that weren’t drinking-related. When the ban begins, The Phyrst will join many other local establishments that have become smoke-free.

SI Writer Tom Verducci Returns to PSU

Tom Verducci is the exception to the rule: he knew he would become a sports journalist by the age of 10. That type of certainty is something many strive for all of their lives, and yet here is a man who had it all figured out before even becoming a teenager. Verducci shared this insight when he spoke at the HUB-Robeson Center last night in an event sponsored by the John Curley Center for Sports Journalism.

From that point on Verducci's career blossomed. He created and fostered relationships while gaining the trust of colleagues, sources, players, and managers. As with any line of journalism, finding the balance between professional and personal conversations was tough: "I don't want to be their friends; I'm an objective journalist."

chariot races

Greek Week 2011: Captain Apps and Logo Contest

Even though Greek Week 2011 won't kick off for a few months, the Greek Week Overall Committee is already hard at work putting it together.

Public Relations Overall Marissa Knaus said that applications are now being solicited for Greek Week captain positions. Knaus also released information about the Greek Week logo contest. Check out the details after the jump.

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