P.T. Barnum once famously said that there's no such thing as bad publicity, but David Adewumi, along with his running mate Sri Pisupati, seems destined to contest that theory.
Though the UPUA election season only began 9 days ago, Adewumi has found himself time and time again thrust into the limelight, and, more often than not, it hasn't been positive press. Before the campaigning even began, Adewumi was ruled ineligible. At Monday's debate, he and Pisupati were conspicuous in their absence, and yesterday the two were convicted of four campaign violations that will set them back more than $200 of the allotted $600 for presidential campaigns.
The Interfraternity Council will convene tonight and interview the four presidential tickets in this year's UPUA election. The event begins at 9:00 pm in 101 Thomas. The IFC has published an open letter in advance of the meeting outlining its expectations for a chosen UPUA ticket.
Penn State men's basketball coach Ed DeChellis earned another vote of confidence from athletic director Tim Curley, says Altoona Mirror reporter Cory Giger in a story that was released on Monday. After a 19-15 season which included the Nittany Lions' first NCAA Tournament appearance in a decade and DeChellis's first appearance since arriving in Happy Valley eight years ago, Curley said that the future of the program is bright and that he is "supportive of everything he [DeChellis] is doing." Curley offered a similar statement last April, a month after the 2009-2010 team, who had very lofty expectations after winning the NIT Championship the year before, went 11-20, putting them in the cellar of the Big Ten.
All this week, our very own McLanahan’s Downtown Market is offering its full range of 8-inch subs for a mere $1.99 as a show of appreciation to its customers. Although it goes without saying, this is intensely fantastic news. These subs are delicious, and 199 pennies is simply not all that much money. It’s a win for your wallet, and it’s definitely a win for deliciousness in your mouth.
The Nittany Lion baseball team finished up a three game road trip to Kansas taking two of three games from 26th ranked Wichita State. The two victories over the team’s toughest opponent of the season improved Penn State’s record to 12-6.
It was a wild and entertaining game between the Penn State women's basketball team and DePaul on Monday night in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. Both teams made big shots and both deserved to win the game. It just so happened that DePaul's Keisha Hampton was the last player to make a big shot with 4.9 seconds left to secure a 75-73 victory.