Penn State OPP announced a $2.59 million over-haul of farm fields on the north stretch of campus. The project will turn the agriculture fields into up to 6 new soccer/football fields. Is the 182,000-square-feet addition of IM space a good call? Or could the money have been better spent?
In a shocking twist, Penn State will actually not be getting as much money as initially hoped from the state. Many rich people associated with the university consider this the end of the world and expect people other than themselves to suffer because of it. With the budget cuts looming on the horizon, it is very likely that the university will resort to drastic measures to make up for the losses. Remember, we’re only talking drastic here. Increasing tuition is the PSU administration equivalent of showering.
Two presidential and two vice-presidential candidates will learn tonight if they are eligible to run for those offices in the University Park Undergraduate Association when that organization's Board of Arbitration hears their appeals. Last week, the tickets containing David Adewumi and Sri Pisupati, as well as Joseph Grimes and Tyler Wentz were declared ineligible by the 2011 UPUA Elections Commission.
So, if you didn't know (and that's unfortunately quite possible) it's UPUA election season. This is the time for you* to choose who will serve next year for your* student government. Candidates were allowed to start campaigning yesterday and you may have received a Facebook event invite or two from someone you know who is running. The next two weeks leading up to the election will be busy, so we've put together a breakdown of important dates if you want to follow what's going on. Find it after the jump.