

Day: October 23, 2012

Residence Areas Face Off in Recycling Challenge

In an effort to raise recycling participation in residence halls across campus, the Campus Sustainability Office is sponsoring Zero to Hero: The Great Penn State Recycling Challenge.

Overheard on a Hayride

It was a long, boring weekend in lonely Happy Valley as the majority of Penn Staters went out with their respective orgs and committees for the second canning weekend. So I was beyond thrilled to end this dry weekend by pulling on the typical flannel-and-boots combination and hopping aboard a wagon full of hay with some secretly inebriated college folk.

Knight Chair Malcolm Moran to Leave Penn State

Malcolm Moran, the Knight Chair of Sports Journalism and Society for Penn State's John Curley Center for Sports Journalism, is leaving Penn State. Effective in January 1, Moran will assume the role of director of the National Sports Journalism Center located in Indianapolis and associated with the Indiana University School of Journalism.

10 Gifts for Bill O’Brien’s Birthday

Today marks the 43rd birthday for Penn State's first year head football coach Bill O'Brien. Much of it will be spent at his weekly press conference and then practice, preparing the NIttany Lions for their toughest test of the season against the undefeated Ohio State Buckeyes on Saturday. In order to make things more fun, we came up with 10 gift ideas that O'Brien could use on his birthday.

Penn State Produces New Season of “304” Sitcom

The College of Communications and School of Theatre are partnering to present Penn State's own sitcom, "304". A premiere screening is scheduled for Sunday, November 4th. More info after the jump.

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