Have you taken the latest survey sent to your Penn State email account? If not, consider taking a look at this video. It's pretty much life-changing.
Jay Paterno will join an alumni panel at PRSSA's "Young Professional's Guide to Success" event.
Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and husband, Captain Jack Kelly, talked to students and families about overcoming challenges at Eisenhower Auditorium last night. The couple took part in the Student Programming Association’s Distinguished Lecture series by sharing their story as Giffords continues on the road of recovery after suffering a gunshot wound to the head.
After several years of studying at Penn State, everyone seems to rack up a list of classroom pet peeves, you know, the little things people do that aren't really a big deal but for some reason just drive you NUTS. We all have 'em, and we've all been guilty of 'em. We gathered several annoying classroom habits that made the top of our lists.
There is optimism around Penn State basketball for the first time since 2010-11. With that in mind, we ask this question: can this year's team make it to the NCAA Tournament? The season starts on Saturday, and March is a long way away, but it's never too early to talk basketball.
Sure, it has your Cheerios, Duck Dynasty DVDs, and solo cups just like every other Walmart. But the State College Walmart has two aisles dedicated to carrying just about every Penn State related item one could ever imagine. Don't believe us? Here are the most unnecessary Penn State products available for purchase at Walmart.