Due to a tragic technological malfunction in the HUB auditorium, movies and other media will not be showed to the student populace, or anyone interested, until next semester. In the mean time, we are left to twiddle our thumbs as they order a new projector.
We only get a few years of our lives to spend here in this magical place called Happy Valley. What's one more?
The new Beaver Stadium scoreboards aren't scheduled to be completed until the summer of 2014, but the process began this week as Curtin Road closed. The road will remain closed until approximately January 31, 2014 according to Penn State.
State College seems to have a limitless array of Asian cuisine: Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, the list goes on. So it may not cause a big stir whenever a new restaurant serving Pan-Asian inspired food opens it doors. But Happy Valley's newest Chinese restaurant "100 Degree Hot Pot" should not remain unnoticed.
Want to take your armchair quarterbacking to the big time? Now you can, courtesy of Penn State's official job website. After assistant football coaches Ron Vanderlinden and Charlie Fisher left the team last week, a job posting was put online advertising for the position.
Biology Professor James Strauss will shave his beard and mustache in front of a classroom full of students today, as part of a THON fundraiser called Professor Stressors.