

Day: March 2, 2015

HUB Expansion Opens Monday To Excitement

The long anticipated HUB Expansion project has finally come to fruition following what seemed to be never-ending construction.

By The Numbers: State Patty’s Day Crime Recap

From Friday to Sunday, there was a slight increase in total crime, arrests, DUIs, and underage citations compared to last year's State Patty's Day. The total cases, and total calls for service were down 11 and six percent, respectively.

Long-Winded Keith Olbermann Issues Strange Apology

In an analogy-driven apology, Keith Olbermann again apologized for his dumb comments about THON last week, announced no donation to THON but listed other donations he's made, and seemed to deflect most of the blame to the pitfalls of Twitter, or what he equated to "batting practice."

Weekend Visitor Charged With Terroristic Threats After Threatening To Kill Police Officers

A visitor from Westchester faces charges of criminal trespassing, disorderly conduct, purchasing alcohol as a minor, public drunkenness, and two counts of terroristic threats with intent to terrorize another.

Keith Olbermann Promises Comment On Last Week’s Debacle

Keith Olbermann's pedestal returns to the airwaves today after his one-week suspension (if you've somehow avoided why that suspension is a thing, catch up), and he's giving those who pined for that punishment a reason to tune in.

Only Three Trustees Running For Three Alumni Seats

Only three trustees are running for the three alumni seats in the 2015 BoT election.

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