Staff Picks: The Best Hangover Food In State College

We’ve all been there — an exciting night out on the town with friends all around. Drinks pouring (of God knows what) endlessly and carelessly. Alas, the happy-go-lucky nighttime fun doesn’t come without a price. For those of us who still have not mastered the proper techniques of drinking (or for those of you who say you have, but really haven’t), you may find yourself waking up feeling like, for lack of better terminology, complete crap.
The notorious “hangover” is truly only “cured” with time, but we beg to differ. In a town like State College with tons of delicious restaurants and greasy foods, there are plenty of options to aid your throbbing headache and uneasy stomach. With so many choices, of which the selection is not limited to breakfast foods, here’s our staff picks for the best places to get “hangover food” in State College.
Carolyn Popescu — The Dining Halls
You wake up after a fun and amazing night feeling…not quite as fun and amazing. Even the slightest trace of sun feels blinding and the mere thought of walking anywhere too far is a burden. This is when the dining hall brunch during the weekends comes to save your groggy, hungover soul. With five locations (North’s Warnock, South’s Redifer, East’s Findlay, West’s Waring, and Pollock’s Pollock Commons), odds are you’re conveniently located next to at least one of them.
Not on a meal plan? A friendly underclassman buddy can swipe you in, or pay for yourself with cash. What really makes this hangover cure superior to all the others is the quantity and convenience. Sure, the dining hall isn’t five-star dining — so what? You essentially have every breakfast/lunch/brunch food item you could dream of all for one price. And for the record, what hungover college kid is honestly really craving a fancy lox-and-mimosa brunch?
The dining commons give you options ranging from classic morning foods like eggs and French toast, to more DIY options like bagels, cereal, and sandwich ingredients. Adding to the appeal? The brunch is open until 2 p.m., truly giving you some buffer time for when you REALLY aren’t feeling too, er, “with it” in the morning. In addition, there is always the “to-go” option for those who just want to put something in their stomach and get back to bed immediately.
Allison Doluisio — The Waffle Shop
Despite its name, the Waffle Shop seems to have the best of pretty much every food one can dream of at 11 a.m. on a Saturday. Although the out-the-door line can be deceiving, you typically get seated quickly and receive fast service throughout the meal. I’m not sure if it’s the excitement of someone waiting on you after multiple self-serve meals or the thrill of being somewhere off campus, but I always seem to go overboard on the drink order. Coffee, water, and some type of juice always seem to be in constant refill, which is perfect in helping the body to rehydrate.
In addition to the quick rehydration, the food is a sure fix. If a stack of perfectly golden-brown pancakes isn’t the cure for a hangover, then I don’t know what is. The menu is full of delicious options to put your stomach right back at ease.
The best thing of all is that misery loves company. The Waffle Shop is the perfect place to see a whole restaurant full of other hungover students, all of whom did the same ten-minute drive in baggy sweatpants they picked up off their floor from the day before.

Steffen Blanco — Big Bowl Noodle House
If you could find a hangover cure in State College, it would be mixed in with the deliciousness that is Big Bowl Noodle House. Sure you can go with the basic breakfast choices like the Waffle Shop or Bagel Crust like some of my colleagues have, but there’s something special about a restaurant I can depend on to cure a hangover in the morning and go on a dinner date that night and still not be bored with the food. Even with its cash-only and no-delivery policies, on any given Saturday or Sunday morning you can find the place booming with people who made the trek to enjoy the MSG-enriched goodness that is Big Bowl.
My personal favorite from Big Bowl is the crispy tender chicken over fried rice with soy sauce (with some sriracha mixed in, just cause). However, this place has EVERYTHING to satisfy your hangover-induced food cravings. Paired with generous portions and prices that are friendly on the wallet, Big Bowl Noodle House reigns supreme among hangover food destinations. If it didn’t make it for the “Great Chinese Food Showdown” just because they don’t deliver, it’s going to win this one damnit.

David Abruzzese — Bagel Crust
Everybody has their go-to hungover breakfast spot. It’s a ritual of sorts, a cleansing of the mind, spirit, and mostly body. Now, my hungover breakfast spot just happens to be a little slice of heaven known as Bagel Crust. Some may argue that Bagel Crust is simply “alright,” or “just another restaurant,” but I beg to differ.

Lexi Shimkonis — Irving’s
Ben Rappaport — Wings Over

So whether you’re in State College now or will be returning in the fall, keep these go-to establishments in mind. They just might be your savior during one unfavorable morning as a Penn State student!
What’s your go-to grub after a night out? Let us know in the comments!
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