

Overheard On Twitter: James Franklin Advocates For A Good Night’s Sleep

James Franklin on Twitter: He’s an enigma.

From sharing his hottest takes on fashion trends to reminding Penn State fans everywhere who their favorite team is playing Saturday, Franklin tweets pure gold.

Recently, however, Franklin has been preaching the team’s core values.

But there’s a fifth, unwritten core value Franklin refuses to let his players forget: Get a good night’s sleep. He called out freshman defensive tackle Fred Hansard and freshman offensive guard Robert Martin last Thursday when he caught them tweeting about how tired they were.

Maybe Franklin was just trying to up his street cred with his players, but he didn’t stop there. He proved no one will get away with complaining about how tired they are on his watch — not even moms — as he went on to call out Noel Toney, the mother of freshman linebacker Shaka Toney.

Hide your tweets, hide your moms, because Franklin won’t stop encouraging folks to get some sleep. He’ll even advise you on how to manage your time, as freshman linebacker Brelin Faison-Walden quickly found out.

On a serious note, with recent talks of the team’s new wearable sleep trackers, the value of sleep to each individual’s recovery and success seems to be the paramount of Franklin’s concerns. Well, okay, maybe there are still more important things on coach’s mind.

Goodnight, sleep tight, and don’t let the bed bugs bite, Nittany Lions. Oh, and remember, coach sees all.

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About the Author

Anthony Fiset

Anthony is a senior *gasp* majoring in Economics and a lifetime Costco Executive Member. If you are an employer, please hire him. Otherwise, direct all complaints to [email protected].

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