

Blue Car Wins Third Race, Still Undefeated At THON 2019

In the fourth “Car Race” of THON 2019, Blue Car prevailed for a third time over its lagging Red rival.

The highly anticipated THON event has entertained the BJC crowd throughout the entire weekend, and this round was no different. The race came down to the final seconds, but Blue Car was able to edge out Red Car and avoid another heartbreaking tie.

Red Car got hung up early on in the race while passing through section 105 before making a quick comeback that surprised most of the crowd and tightened the last stage of the race. The two cars seemed evenly matched until the final turn, where Blue Car made a dominant last second push to grab the win and protect its undefeated record for the weekend.

For the time being, Blue Car maintains its bragging rights.

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About the Author

Rory Pelella

Rory is a senior from Binghamton, New York majoring in Spanish and journalism. She's been bleeding blue and white ever since her older siblings decided to create a family dynasty in Happy Valley in 2006. So, as you can imagine, she loves absolutely everything Penn State (especially the Cheese Shoppe downtown). She's also a die-hard Yankees, Knicks, and Giants fan (it's brutal), and would do anything for a good old fashioned New York slice. Feel free to email her at [email protected] or follow her on twitter @rorypelella.

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