There's no question that commencement shouldn't be held in May. Or even in June. But what Penn State has shown is that a physical ceremony is nothing more than an afterthought.
Seniors took to Twitter shortly after the announcement to vent their feelings, question Penn State's choice, and voice their collective frustrations.
All undergraduate and Graduate School graduates will be honored at the ceremony, and individual colleges and campuses will plan complementary events to honor students on a more personal basis.
The Colonel, who is best known for being the first female pilot and commander of a space shuttle, will deliver a Webinar via Zoom.
Hippenhammer, who opted to focus on baseball full-time this spring, is reportedly in the NCAA's transfer portal.
"We've got a bunch of other good linebackers, guys I'm really excited about. When you lose guys like Jan [Johnson] and Cam [Brown], they're tough to replace, but I like the guys in the room."