

Month: June 2020

Student Life

Penn State Seeking Student Feedback On Penn State Go Desktop App

"A Penn State Go Desktop Experience is being developed, seeking to bring together additional key features that students will need in one convenient location on the web."


Applications For Additional Coronavirus Emergency Aid Grants Now Open

Those who've already received funding are not eligible to apply for the second round of grants.

Press Releases

Otto’s Pub & Brewery is Open to Serve You

The staff and owners of Otto’s Pub & Brewery are ready to serve you our fresh craft beer, craft spirits, locally sourced meat, produce and dairy products in our safe and refreshed restaurant.


[Photo Story] State College Protests Give Chalk Art New Meaning

Colorful words lined the borough's streets and sidewalks and left lasting messages following Sunday's protests.

Salud Juicery is now open

Salud Juicery and Wellness Bar has reopened and WE ARE here to help keep your immune system powerful.

Student Life

Online IM Leagues Bringing Students Together Through Virtual Fun & Competition

When most people are stuck inside, online games and sports can be a godsend.

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