

Author: Kari Haffelfinger

About the Author

Kari Haffelfinger

Kari is a senior double-majoring in photojournalism and English. Outside of taking photos for Onward State, she is also a member of the Penn State Blue Band, Fall Athletic Band and Pride of the Lions Pep Band. She is the secretary of the Penn State Student Red Cross Club and is also very active in the Penn State Dance Marathon as a member of the Public Relations Photography committee.

Happy Valley Campus Kiwi Express

Fro-Yos Merge; New Home on Campus

Ever get a craving for frozen yogurt but are too lazy to head downtown to one the four frozen yogurt shops on College Avenue? No need to fret - soon you will be able to get your fro-yo fix on campus!

Get a Lion Shrine Pic Before the Rush!

Hey (soon-to-be) Graduates! Want to get your picture, dolled up in your cap and gown, with the Nittany Lion Shrine, the JoePa statue, or an ice cream cone at the Creamery? You’re probably thinking of doing so on graduation day. Makes sense, but here’s an idea: Go this week instead! Throw on your graduation garb, […]

Spanier Mailed A Census – So Should You!

I guess I understand why people don't want to fill out the census: We have enough homework assigned every night --why should we have to complete yet ANOTHER assignment? And we don't even get credit for this one!

Well, we actually kind of do.

Penn State - University Park students make up roughly 75% of the State College population. This basically means that if we students don't mail the census back, then 75% of State College doesn't exist in the Census Bureau's eyes.

How does that affect you personally? Why should you care? Read more after the break.

“Hair” to Feature Nudity!

The Penn State Thespians' production of "Hair" this weekend WILL contain nudity! The actors had not received approval to appear on stage without clothing until Tuesday night-- just two days before opening night. The cast was not even allowed to rehearse nude. The lack of preparation time should not detract from the experience, though.

Cast member Andrew Baglini, a Senior, is very excited to fully embrace the essence of the sixties. He knows that some people may be wary of the nudity, but insists that it is "tasteful." When asked if one of his most conservative friends would be offended by the nude scenes, Baglini responded with "If she comes, I guarantee she will not be uncomfortable."

The audience member must come into the performance with an open mind, however. "The hit tribal rock musical" is publicized on promotional fliers as having an R-rating and is "strongly discouraged for persons under age 18" because of "sexual content, language & drug use."

Performances are today, Friday, and Saturday at 7:30pm with a matinee on Saturday at 2pm. All performances will be at Schwab Auditorium. Prices are $8 for students, $12 for adults.

And the Winner is PENN STATE!

For the 4th year in a row, Penn State has collected more units of blood than Michigan State in the 16th Annual PSU-MSU Blood Donor Challenge! Final Score: PSU – 2127 MSU – 1914 Since 1994, Penn State has won the annual contest 11 times, steadily increasing its collection totals each year. With over 2,500 […]

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