Chi Phi regained admission to the IFC about a year ago after alumni spent five years running a successful fundraising campaign. The house underwent a $1.4 million renovation, and now it's one of the most badass frat houses in all the land. Check it out.
It has been a somber week in what is usually a very Happy Valley. Students have taken Conor MacMannis's fatal nine-story fall in last Saturday's Penn Tower tragedy seriously. If the comments on last week's article and the conversations being murmured around campus are any indication, the question on everybody's mind is: What kind of action, if any, can be taken to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future?
Sometimes pizza just isn't what you want as you stumble home from your Thirsty Thursday festivities. When a good old-fashioned slice won't hit the spot (or when it's too cold to even consider standing in a long line at Canyon), Taco Bell awaits inebriated college folk and offers them a warm indoor embrace. And burritos.
In their excitement to be at State College’s hottest dance club, those students forget that every person they interact with, from when they get in line to when they buy their first mixed drink of the night, is a real person with a real life. One writer went to Indigo at 8 p.m. on a Thursday to see what kind work goes into preparing for a night of partying, and to see what kind of people were doing all of that work behind the scenes.
We decided to change up the Overheard column this week to show you the best, worst, and weirdest costume Halloween costumes we saw around town this weekend.
Owner R.B. Powell has finalized the security measures that Nittany Mountain Trail Rides will take to decrease the volume of alcohol-related incidents. Beginning tomorrow, hayrides will no longer take place at the usual site in Warriors Mark, PA. Instead, all hayrides will now be held 21 miles from campus at a religious site called the Hartman Center in Milroy, PA.