Unless you're one of the lucky students stationed in the luxurious Eastview Terrace, then it's likely that you share your house, apartment, or room with others. Having a living space all to yourself seems like far-fetched dream... But for Sarah Jordan, it's a dream come true.
Twenty Penn State organizations took part in last night's For the Glory Talent Show as part of Homecoming Week 2013, but only one pairing went home champions. Theta Chi and Tapestry took home the title with their jaw-droppingly cool circus performance and a tap-dance act from the Tapestry Dance Company. Props to the ringmaster -- that girl can DANCE.
There are some people you ought to strike up a relationship with out of sheer convenience. They're not Rachel, Chandler or Joey, but trust me, they're people that you want to have around. They'll be there for youuuuuu when the rain starts to pour... well, probably not, but you'll be glad to have them around anyway.
I hadn't the faintest idea what awaited me when I climbed aboard the establishment's complimentary shuttle. A friendly bearded man named Bubba drove some clueless Onward Staters and a fraternity twenty minutes off campus, and this is what we overheard.
If you've ever wondered exactly where THON's 2013 total of $12,939,895.36 came from, and where those proceeds went after THON weekend ended, look no further: on Friday, THON released its annual Summary of Fundraising Activities for the 2013 Fiscal Year.