

Author: Ally Greer

About the Author

Looking Back: My Last and Favorite Semester of College

If someone would have told me that I would make the most new friends and have some of my most unique experiences during my very last semester of college, I probably would have laughed. That isn’t how it’s supposed to work, right? Wrong.

Where to Take the Perfect Graduation Photos

Although none of us really want to talk about it, graduation weekend is right around the corner. Graduating from Penn State is something that most of us seniors aren't looking forward to, but it is also something we must do, and something that we will never want to forget. As emotional as it might be, the weeks leading up to graduation are the time to go buy that cap and gown (you can do it!) and head to the best spots on campus and create those permanent graduation memories. This can definitely be a very stressful time, so I decided to compile a list of places to hit as you go through your photo shoot.

Skipping Class? Don’t Burn Yourself on Social Media

Beautiful weather has finally returned, and the end of the semester is so very near. This can only mean one thing for most Penn State students – Daylong Season. Before you tweet those Instagram photos of your bros getting iced or Tebowing, remember how connected your parents and teachers are these days. That said, here are a few tips on how not to get caught daylonging on social media.

Onward Debates: Si-SUPER!

There are a few activities that most people associate with college students: studying (of course), drinking alcohol, and eating lots of food like the growing teens and twenty-somethings that we are. Now, I love to eat just as much as the next person, but when it comes to eating dinner in the dorms, the last thing I want is a Hot Pocket oozing with partially hydrogenated soybean oil, corn syrup solids, imitation mozzarella cheese, and artificial butter flavor with a side of distilled monoglycerides and L-Cysteine hydrochloride. Agree with me? Sisu is the place for you.

10 Questions With The Nittany Lion

Last week, we were lucky enough to score a little one-on-one time with the "symbol of our best" -- the one and only Nittany Lion. We decided to ask him a few questions to get to know him a little better. Check out this video to find out what he had to say!

10 Questions with Drum Major Ian Kenney

Ian Kenney was recently selected for his third and final season as the Drum Major of the Penn State Blue Band. I sat down with him to find out a little more about the guy behind the flips.

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