After weeks of preparation, a local dream finally took flight at yesterday’s State College Borough Council, when council members approved Nov. 13 as the unveiling date for the newest addition to the downtown art scene: a mural outside McLanahan’s wall on Allen Street and Calder Way.
Meet self-proclaimed “Rock Comedian” Brian Smith, an Indiana University graduate who is sure to rack up the PSU pageviews as his video singing about the trials and tribulations of Penn State college life is released today. Smith is slowly gaining a following around college campuses as the go-to promoter of individualized college life, be it Indiana University or Hofstra University, as he creates humorous videos featuring all those things we college kids our proud of… you know: pubs, clubs, and drugs.
Grab your tents, grab your sleeping bags. You finally have another excuse to camp out. Except this time, make sure to bring a safety deposit.
No no, this isn't another profile on Paternoville. This time, we're camping out for something longer lasting than front row tickets for a Penn State football game.
We're camping out for next year's housing.
On a quiet Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. (Wednesday, September 1, the Wednesday before the Youngstown State game, to be exact), the battlefield known as Beaver was completely deserted, as students across campus hid from the humid summer heat in their air conditioned dorm rooms.
But as the moon slowly rose over the campus, casting threatening-looking shadows around the stadium’s student entrance, Gate A, two young men sauntered confidently up to the gate with collapsible camping chairs in hand, their laughter echoing off the cold, steel outer-walls of the arena.
Because who doesn't think: "Oh, I have some free time today. I think I'll go paint a mural outside the stadium."
Regardless, this is still pretty sweet. Enjoy.