

Author: Davis

About the Author


Creator of @OnwardState. Big fan of sweaters.

PSU Libs Open Knowledge Commons

A project that first got underway nearly two years ago reached its greatest milestone to date this week when the full Knowledge Commons was opened for general student usage.

Reported Head Coach Hire Arrives

Patriots offensive coach Bill O'Brien arrived at the Penn State University Park airport's general aviation facility around 7:00 p.m. on Thursday evening in a night-time entrance that came just hours after interim head coach Tom Bradley had been relieved of his head coach duties by the university and Jay Paterno left the Lasch Building in tears. Read more after the jump.

PSU No Longer Helps Control JoePa Likeness

Penn State no longer helps control the use of Joe Paterno's name, likeness, and image, according to Assistant Director of Public Information Annemarie Mountz.

Former UPUA Committee Chair Chases BoT

Former UPUA Academic Affair Chairman Sam Loewner, who graduated from Penn State in 2010, announced via email and social media release this afternoon that he is seeking a position on the Penn State Board of Trustees.

Impeachment Threat Against President Khoury Dropped

Update 12/5: Predictably, President Khoury ended up not facing a motion to impeach when CCSG reconvened Saturday night; however, a new executive governance policy did emerge that addressed the concerns of transparency and communication that some members of the Council had regarding Central staff, and made official President Khoury's current manner of communicating the Board of Trustees issues he is allowed to discuss with other members of CCSG.

For the Future that We Wait: Attend Student Forum

Tonight President Erickson and seven other of Penn State's highest ranking administrators will appear in front of an entirely student audience to answer questions in a conversation moderated by rockstar professors Sam Richards and Laurie Mulvey. Tickets for the event are free and the conversation has no pre-set boundaries, no questions from journalists. This is a night for students and administrators to talk about what happened and how Penn State moves forward from here. This is a night for us to discuss the future that we wait.

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