Even with the storm clouds of news and reporters in Happy Valley, the sun is out and it’s perfect fall weather. I am excited to report that this beautiful weather has meant the decline in North Face jackets I have been seeing around campus! Regardless of the fact that they don’t look good on anyone, it’s almost too hot for them. But this warm weather does not excuse the shredded denim mini-skirt and belly shirt outfit I saw yesterday. It’s not so hot that you can be delirious enough to dress like it’s 1998. I really wish I had taken a picture of it!
This week the Natty Nittany searched high and low trying to find some awesome hats on campus, but sadly only one was found that was up to par. What gives?
With winter just around the corner at Penn State, we get to enjoy the wonderful three short weeks between shorts and sandals season and the advent of floor-length North Face parkas and Ugg boots, also known as autumn. Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year for fashion. You can’t just throw on some skimpy little thing and run around like the people who use their tan as clothing, and you can’t hide those pajama jeans you’re wearing under your full body snowsuit to survive the cold. For fall, you have to put it all out there with your best layers on top.
Thank goodness the weather is getting a little nicer around Happy Vally, because the bleak fashion landscape over the last few months has been killing me. Even though spring has not quite sprung, it's great to see people walking about in clothes that don't make them look like giant blobs of down feathers with lamb skin stumps poking out of the bottom. My despair is most likely attributed to re-watching all six season of Sex in the City; maybe Miss Carrie Bradshaw has been setting my standards too high. But I needed something to cheer up my winter blues.
In honor of State Patty's day, I thought I would hit the streets to see the fashion do's and don'ts that are running rampant around state college. As I predicted, everyone looks like a hot mess. But I think that's part of the charm of State Patty's day. You can walk around looking like Ke$ha, doing things that are usually covered by the dark of night or just by an RV at tailgating, and it's OK to look like a cross between Snooki and a leprechaun (or are they the same thing?).
Fashion is an essential part of THON culture, and this weekend I want to highlight some outfits I found particularly interesting. In the midst of all these crazy colors, a couple people still managed to shine. The bright colors maintain a cheerful atmosphere, while tube socks increase circulation. At THON, fashion isn't just aesthetically pleasing. It's functional too. Erin and Jeremy ended up wearing essentially the same outfit, and somehow it works for both of them. See for yourself!