

Author: John Dempsey

About the Author

John Dempsey

John is a Junior majoring in Journalism from Hazleton, PA. He is so awesome that sharks dedicate a week to him.
Likes: Video games, vigilante justice, irony, talking bears, Burt Reynolds, El Chupacabra, coloring books, chainsaws, and Australians.
Dislikes: Zombies, clowns, zombie clowns, turtleneck sweaters, Apple, poor mustache grooming, nuclear winter, Roman architecture, guacamole, robots, LCD TVs, the color yellow, Velcro, ceiling fans, sprinklers, tornadoes, Belgians, squat thrusts, and romantic comedies.

Seth Meyers

Your Weekend Update: Seth Meyers at the BJC

Last night at the Bryce Jordan Center, SNL head writer Seth Meyers said naughty things while mixing some stand up in there. Riding the wave of media buzz and unimaginably huge ratings generated by the hallowed tradition that is the ESPYs, Meyers is touring campuses across the nation.

He decided to stick the best crowd he will have in the middle, thus ensuring the fond memories of Penn State will comfort him as he visits progressively worse venues.

Eisenhower Parties Like It’s 2999

The beat was bumpin bumpin. The beat went boom boom. People were wearing glow sticks and hats made of balloons. Guys I didn’t know were giving me free stuff and a can of Spam was handing out tickets. There was a rock wall, Lady Gaga, and popcorn. I’m pretty sure I high-fived a clown at some point. Surprisingly, this actually wasn’t the worst drug trip ever experienced by man. No, it was Eisenhower’s annual Student Patio Party.

Kennedy Featured Beer and Sex at the HUB

Last night, jokesmith Andrew Kennedy did comedy while standing up at an 8 p.m. free show in the HUB Auditorium. Kennedy has been voted into Comedy Central’s top 20 comedians two years in a row. He showed why he deserved to be in such a redundant list to a crowd of Penn State students.

HUB Titles: Get Him to the Greek

2010 has been a tough year for comedy. Mediocrity has been plentiful and so has the drama. There just hasn’t been “that” funny movie yet. If anyone can correct this most troubling of problems, surely it is Jonah Hill and Russell Brand. Jonah Hill proved his comedy chops in Superbad and Russell Brand… is Russell Brand. That’s really all that needs to be said.

State Theatre Suddenly Loses Its Leader

Mike Negra, the executive director of the State Theatre, declared on Tuesday that he will step down. His last day as the leader of the theatre will be September 21. No reasons have thus far been given for the sudden announcement.

Table Ten Will Come Home to Penn State

The members of State College band Table Ten have decided to come back to the place they got their start. They will play at the Phyrst from 10 p.m. until closing every Tuesday night starting Sept. 7. Additionally, they will have a gig every Saturday night at 10 p.m. in the Rathskeller beginning Sept. 11.

See what the band brings to the table after the jump.

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