

Author: Kristin Piazza

About the Author

Kristin Piazza

Senior majoring in journalism, THON Donor and Alumni Relations Captain

Don’t Go Broke Over Break

It's hard enough to save money while at school, but have you ever noticed how you seem to fly through money when you leave for break? It's not an unusual phenomenon, especially when all of your buddies from home want to get together every single night. Don't even get me started on the holidays; how could you possibly save money with all of those presents you have to buy? And your Aunt Cindy never seems to just give you cash on the big day...instead you're stuck with a pair of pajamas with little penguins on them. With my help, you can see your friends, pretend to be happy with your less-than-mediocre presents, and manage to save a few bucks for your bar tab on syllabus week.

Don’t Forget Your Underwear

There seem to be those few (important) items that are always forgotten when you travel home for break. If you are traveling far, it seems so much worse when you realize you have nothing to charge your phone with at night, or no clean underwear to put on the next morning. Hopefully with this list you can make sure that you remember everything this break, and don't find yourself wishing you could teleport yourself back to your apartment or dorm.

Secret Santa 101

With the holidays just around the corner, everyone is dipping into their wallets to participate in one of the most traditional holiday favorites: Secret Santa. Some may call it Secret Snowflake, Hanukkah Harry, or Kwanzaa Kenny, but no matter what your religion or what name you give it, it's sometimes challenging to buy gifts for friends, co-workers, or organization members that you may not know too well. As a Secret Santa gift exchange participant, I've got a few helpful tips to get you through without breaking the bank or showing up with a lame gift.

THONvelope Tips and Tricks

THONvelopes are a great way to fundraise for THON, but a lot of people don't understand THONvelopes and how they can be beneficial to their organization. Here are a few tips on how to use THONvelopes, and exactly how they help raise THON's total!

Christmas in November…Tree Lighting!

We're all a little bit upset about the Christmas celebrations before Thanksgiving, but in this case we can put that aside and join the festivities for the downtown State College tree lighting ceremony.

Something to Be Proud Of: THON

Rallies, protests, and marches are being coordinated at every Penn State landmark, and all everyone has been able to talk about since the start of the week are the allegations surrounding some of our beloved school symbols. Some people are saying they are ashamed to be Penn Staters, that somehow the actions of a few have caused all of us to become embarrassed. But why is this? This one scandal doesn't define us as a University, but other things, positive ones, do.

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