

Author: Rory

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Single College Ladies (Put A Ring On It)

Gender studies in college has become a hot-button topic recently. Single college ladies, you can be sure you'll put a ring on it some day thanks to a new study put out by Newsweek.

"For women, financial stability used to be the most important reason for marriage," the article reported. "Today, educated women are a lot less concerned about how much their husband earns, and more interested in whether he is willing to share child care and housework."

The study's main focus is to disprove the long-standing idea that "smart women finish last," placing emphasis on the fact that more women now attend college than men. In the study, Betsey Stevenson, an assistant professor at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania found that "In 1950, less than three quarters of white college-educated women went on to marry by age 40 [compared with 90 percent of high-school graduates]. But today, 86 percent marry by age 40, compared with 88 percent of high-school grads."

Read on to find out what else the study says about women and even men!

Penn State’s Newest Research Report

Penn State recently released its annual research report and, in contrast to almost everything else these days, the numbers are trending up.

According to the report, Penn State has seen a 74% increase in research expenditures since 2000 and last year totaled a record $765 million cold hard clams for research purposes. Federal agencies contribute $445 million which is a 95% increase since entering into the new millennium.

The numbers have fallen slightly in terms of industry funded research, which the report blames on the bad economy, but Penn State is still ranked #3 nationally in that category. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania contributes exactly $83,765,000 to Penn State's research funds.

The number of applicants to Penn State's Graduate School hit the highest number it has reached in the last 10 years with 17,071 applicants in 2009. This is compared to the only 13,101 who applied in 2000.

Another part of the report included an article on the study of turning waste water into a renewable form of hydrogen. Read on to find out how!

I Don’t Need

A new social networking site called has recently come into our lives… and it’s about as useful as a rusty fork jammed between your toes.  Well O.K., maybe it’s not quite that bad but these folks are trying to pull a Lloyd Christmas and tape the head back on a dead bird, then package it to us […]

We Want To Take You Higher!

When Sly Stone of Sly & the Family Stone shouted "I wanna take you higher," he probably wasn't thinking about financial aid for college students. But that line can indeed describe Penn State's substantial aid received from the U.S. Higher Education Act (HEA), which was passed in 1965 by Lyndon Johnson. It must be re-passed by Congress every five years, a measure taken to better allow for improvements. More specifically, Penn State is a major beneficiary under Title IV of the HEA, which deals with federal student aid programs. In fact, according to information released this month by the U.S. Department of Education, Penn State is the top ranked 4-year public school in Title IV funding, raking in $549,308,028 in total funds.

Coming Up Rosie

Penn State women’s volleyball coach Russ Rose likes smoking his Cuban cigars outside Rec Hall. He’s not sure if he’s allowed, but frankly, he doesn’t give a damn. It’s these kind of off-the-wall quirks that characterize Rose, who was recently featured in an article by the New York Times. “He’s like that black-sheep uncle,” a volunteer assistant coach said […]

Capitalizing On Capital One Bowl Travel Packages

With Old Man Winter parking his frigid ass back in State College, a trip down to sunny Orlando, Fl. to see PSU play in a bowl game sounds pretty enticing…even if it is just the “we’re so freakin’ lucky to even be here” bowl. The Penn State Alumni Association is offering some super sweet deals to […]

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