

Author: Ryan

About the Author


Ryan is a senior Media Studies major. In addition to writing for Onward State, you can find him performing with Full Ammo Improv Troupe ( and with No Refund Theatre ( on campus.

Get Dumped? I’m Likin’ It!

So, we all know how much college students like us are absolutely tripping over themselves with how much they love the new Facebook format. All the cool new things you can do! Like not be able to read what’s going on! And miss your friends’ birthdays because they changed the position on the page! Forget […]

Going Geek: PSU Tweets

Earlier today we posted about the discovery of a Twitter account possessed by none other than the Penn State Creamery. While it remains to be seen exactly what the Creamery plans to do with this new technology (“Hey, so we’re still here. And we still sell ice cream…”), there is no doubt that Twitter has […]

Geek Out With Me and “Football Guys”

When Evan and Davis asked if anyone wanted to review a toy for Onward State, I jumped at the opportunity. I mean, a TOY! Part of the reason I joined Onward State was to one day review something and get it for free. In the first of what will hopefully be a long series of […]

UPUA Debate from A Guy Who Knows Nothing

I’m going to be straight up honest with all of you fine folk: I know very little about how our student government works here on campus. I got into it my freshman year, but when then-Vice President of Student Affairs Vicky Triponey came in and pooped on everything, including dissolving USG for what is now […]

Financial Crime Wave on Campus?

Man, Dear Old State has kind of been down on its luck this week in regards to financial crime, theft and embezzlement. Somebody call Rorschach. The CDT reports today that over a 1000 Social Security numbers were stolen from an Office of Physical Plant computer – but why anybody would want to target an OPP […]

Spring Break-In

Apparently, all the cool stuff happens when you’re away for spring break. From via The Patriot-News: Two 17-year-old boys from Massachusetts are in Centre County’s juvenile detention center after police said they took a joy ride around the Penn State campus in a university vehicle, stealing bicycles and football paraphernalia along the way. The […]

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