

Author: Ryan

About the Author


Ryan is a senior Media Studies major. In addition to writing for Onward State, you can find him performing with Full Ammo Improv Troupe ( and with No Refund Theatre ( on campus.

Who Watches the Watchmen, and Where?

Doomsday nears and Watchmen approaches its midnight-hour premiere. Along with a group of friends, I’ll be going to see it tonight at the College 9 way up on North Atherton, dressed as my favorite character – I just hope theater management doesn’t mind that I’m hairless and blue. Oh, and also naked. The thing is, […]

Facebook Changes Terms of Service

So, last week the Internet just about exploded when popular consumer advocate blog The Consumerist flagged a change in Facebook’s Terms of Service policy when they deleted what some considered a pretty important clause: You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the […]

Don’t let the door hit ya…

Anybody still looking for a place to live next semester? The Daily Collegian and the Centre Daily Times are both reporting in late online editions today that Beta Theta Pi, the on-campus fraternity which was “suspended until further notice” last week, has been officially disbanded and will be forced to evacuate their 220 N. Burrowes […]

All Voices Heard at Penn State (Unfortunately)

Firstly, I’d just like to say how thrilled I am to be writing for Onward State. Congratulations, everyone, for ranking 1st in the US News and World Report poll, and thanks for doing all the legwork and getting Onward State to prominence just as I joined. Good timing all around. For my first post, I […]

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