

Author: Steven Boyle

About the Author

Behind the Hashtag #WDYDF (Who Do You Dance For?)

In this Instagram Series, The College of Communications Photo Journalism Students asked THON volunteers, "Who Do You Dance For?" In this series we see the parents, children, dancers, and moralers of THON give their respective answers. The result is a powerful thing, and refreshing reminder of the beauty in humanity. Follow Hashtag #WDYDF for more stories

THON’s Obstacle Course Concourse

Navigating the concourse during THON is no cakewalk. Obstacles are everywhere, and they come in many different forms. Learning how to get around during the chaos that is FTK is important, and mastering the challenges will guarantee safe passage from concession to portal. Good Luck out there.

Superheros Are FTK (Comi-THON)

The BJC is currently full of heroes. I am talking about the thousands of dancers, moralers, supporters, and of course, the children and families who inspire us to dance. However some people have taken the role of being a hero very seriously and dressed up as their super FTK alter-egos. Here are some of the best of Comi-THON.

Sandy Hook Anniversary Vigil Set For Saturday

This Saturday at 7:00 p.m., Penn State will gather to reflect on the terrible events that took place that day, and to honor the families whose most precious gifts were stolen away from them by a man capable of unimaginable evil.

A Meeting and a Reading with Ms. Salli K

She is located in a small neighborhood behind the Sheetz on the way towards towards the mall. It's a little tricky to find, but eventually you'll find yourself driving down a little dirt road and you will see her office at the bottom of a small hill. Inside you are greeted by Ms. Salli K herself, State College's only professional psychic, the only one for about seventy square miles. Onward State writer Steven Boyle reports on his tarot card reading, and if this Penn State psychic is the real deal.

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