

Author: Yuka Narisako

About the Author

Yuka Narisako

Yuka legally immigrated to the United States via airplane in 1996 from the small island nation of Japan. Since then she has migrated throughout the country and now identifies herself as a senior majoring in Architectural Engineering. The Shandygaff is her Happy Place, though she was once kicked out of the establishment after breaking her shoe and screaming “I LOVE DAY DRINKING. I’M HAVING FUN.” Yuka is overly enthusiastic about life in general, but especially Ja Rule, Halloween, and the puffy black vest she purchased from the Gap. You can reach her at [email protected], or through Twitter @yukahontass.

Our 2014 Bold Predictions Were So, So Incorrect

Dear hindsight, I hate you. If I've learned anything so far in the year 2015, it's the fact that the states of Michigan and Ohio do not shovel their interstates adequately, and that I am the world's worst fortune teller. Let's take a look at the bold, but foolish predictions we made last year.

Penn State Senior Selected For Marshall Scholarship

One Penn State student has another thing to be thankful for this Thanksgiving season -- senior Ryan Henrici has been selected for the Marshall Scholarship, which gives an American college student the chance to study in the United Kingdom.

Quotes That Accurately Describe State College Bars

It's fair to say that no two bars in State College are alike. In fact, they can each be described in one single phrase, as we did.

The Most Bizarre Crimes of Happy Valley

The police forces of State College and Penn State have had a lot on their hands.

Coach Mike Morse: Talks the Talk and Walks the Walk, Briskly

Mike Morse, known by his students simply as Coach, or Coach Morse, currently teaches fitness walking, bowhunting, and men's basketball as a part of the Kinesiology Physical Activity Program (KPAP). He is often seen leading a pack of students through campus, donning a baseball cap and a towel draped around his neck. The sight is somewhat reminiscent of Forrest Gump running in the desert with a pack of clueless followers behind. And from the life stories told by Coach Morse, it seems as though he may have a lot more in common with Forrest than your average Joe.

10 Things We Wish James Franklin Would Also Fix

I have no power over what can be changed, but you know who does? Our beloved coach, James Franklin. As a man of power, here are some things we wished Franklin would promise to fix in the near future.

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