

Tag: Girl Talk

Music Monday: Coachella 2014

This week's Music Monday looks at some of the best setlists from Coachella 2014.

Girl Talk Live Blog

7:52- Evan and I arrive at the HUB 7:56- There aren’t any lines,just a general aggregation of people. 7:58- The lines begin. 8:08- The realization that we’ll be in line for more than an hour sets in. Everyone sits down. 8:30- The line is worse than the line to vote. It’s wrapped past higher grounds […]

Collegian Snags Girl Talk Interview

Props to the Collegian’s Rich Coleman for his recent interview with Greg Gillis aka Girl Talk. From the interview, even those that think they know Girl Talk will learn a lot about the man behind the music. It allows a glimpse into the psyche of the man taking college campuses from coast to coast by […]

So You’re Going to Girl Talk… Now What?

We hope that by now you’ve heard about Thursday night’s Girl Talk concert. But what is a Girl Talk concert like? Will it be like the Eve 6 concert? Maybe the John Legend concert? We’ve researched Girl Talk’s past performances, and feel confident that we can predict some things about Thursday’s performance. Check out our […]

Girl Talk: Rumor No More

SOMA has officially confirmed the Girl Talk Concert! There is even a Facebook event and everything. Final details are below. (Note the time change from the most recent post.) WHAT: Girl Talk concert WHEN: 10:00-12:00 on Thursday WHERE: HUB Alumni Hall The show is free. People will be admitted on a  “first come, first served” […]

Rumor Mill Update: Girl Talk

We’re not sure why SOMA hasn’t begun advertising the concert yet, but here are the details we have right now. This information has been compiled through a variety of sources. Today, we confirmed with Girl Talk’s agent that he is scheduled for a concert in State College on Thursday. We also heard that the Raw […]

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