

Day: October 28, 2009

Bro Call: Dizzy Gillespie All Star Big Band – What A Disappointment!

Chad is an occasional contributor to Onward State. Check out his other posts for some context on just who he is. Hello to all of my loyal readers! Man, it sure has been a while since I last blogged! Sorry about that. It’s a long, crazy story. Let’s just say I “binge drank for 6 […]

Everyone’s Biggest Problem:

WHAT DO WE DO WITH ALL THIS MONEY? One of the major issues facing the UPUA right now is a piece of legislation in the facilities fee committee which will, if passed, create 8-10 new intramural fields, along with parking spaces, restrooms and a first aid facility. For those of you who don’t know, this […]

Law Building Receives Accolades

In the northerly regions of our campus, the Lewis Katz Building shines like a glass beacon of democracy. And apparently the inside is nice too. Buildings Magazine named the Katz Building a finalist in the Interior Design category for the Project Innovations Awards. According to judges, the building exhibits “classrooms of the future.” The Dickinson […]

Onward State’s Fall Photo Contest

The trees, they are a’changin and the Penn State campus is more beautiful than ever. So before all the trees pull a Mifflin Streak, Onward State thought we’d have ourselves a good old fashioned photo contest. Your mission is to take a picture of something that illustrates Penn State in the fall. The Guidelines: Take […]

Textbook Example: Conflict of Interest in Integrative Arts

We have uncovered a situation within the Integrative Arts program that we think the University should thoroughly investigate. We were assured by a university representative that someone would be “looking into it”, but someone has been “looking into it” for almost a month. Here’s what we know… Jeffrey Van Fossan is a faculty member in […]

Dean & Rove Engage in Verbal Fisticuffs

They brandished pens and spattered the microphones with saliva. The healthcare debate? Exciting! Dean uplifted the audience from the get-go with a poignant Obama/Kennedy comparison. A red-faced Rove fired the first shot by explaining that most of the 47 million uninsured Americans didn’t deserve government handouts. According to Karl Rove, America has “the best healthcare […]

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