For The pasT week, The Penn STaTe campus has been divided on The mosT conTroversial issue in recenT memory. HealThcare? Obama? Balloon boy? No, commenTs have been flying back and forTh concerning This year’s WhiTe ouT shirTs, sponsored by The Daily Collegian. So who sTarTed This conTroversy? Obviously some anTi-Collegian cabal, righT? No, The Collegian iTself posTed an […]
Today, at around 11 AM in the HUB, Penn State’s Senior Class Gift Committee announced that the class of 2010’s gift to the University would be the Marsh Meadow Boardwalk and Overlook at the Arboretum. “The boardwalk will serve as a ‘front door’ for pedestrians entering the Arboretum and contribute significantly to the Arboretum’s mission […]
Last month, the National Science Foundation released a study ranking the nation’s top research schools in terms of expenditure during the 2008 fiscal year. Among public institutions, Penn State ranked 8th with $701 million being spent on Science and Engineering research. The study also mentions the research expenditures that were financed through federal grants, of […]
Earlier this month, the Pennsylvania Sentencing Commission released a report on school zone mandatory sentences. These laws state that if you are caught selling drugs within 1000 feet of a school, prosecutors can seek a two-year mandatory minimum sentence. Not too surprisingly, its recommendation was to repeal law for two main reasons: first, 1000 feet […]
We’ve all been there. You bend down to pick up the ping-pong ball that missed its target. As you pick it up and turn it in your hands, you realize something terrible. The lucky ping-pong ball you’ve been using during your latest winning streak has a dent. You panic and look to your partner. He […]
Remember what you canned for this weekend: