

Day: March 30, 2010

Onward State Endorses Ragland for President

Since its emergence from the shadow of Jay Bundy, the Univeristy Park Undergraduate Association has worked hard to establish itself as the legitimate student government of Penn State University Park. While his administration has not been without error, Gavin Keirans-- the face of the UPUA for the past two years-- has done much to increase his organization's involvement in student life at Penn State.

However, Keirans has been unable to effect meaningful progress in the issue that is far and away the most pressing for our university-- the ever increasing cost of a Penn State education.

To find out why we support and endorse Christian Ragland for President of the UPUA, read the full post.

Meet the Candidates: College Representatives

On Wednesday the student body will vote in members for the fifth assembly of the University Park Undergraduate Association. Today we will be publishing guides about each of the positions and the candidates running for them.

We have information on the candidates running to be one of 14 college representatives.

Meet the Candidates: At Large Representatives

On Wednesday the student body will vote in members for the fifth assembly of the University Park Undergraduate Association. Today we will be publishing guides about each of the positions and the candidates running for them.

Six 'At Large' positions are open to all full-time undergraduate students at University Park. This year, only six students are competing.

Drinking Age Debate

The Center for Democratic Deliberation (CDD) will be hosting its first annual spring parliamentary debate on Wednesday, March 31 at 7 p.m. in 104 Thomas.

The debate will be about the current drinking age and whether it should be changed or not. Three speakers will represent each side of the issue, and audience members will be allowed to participate in the discussion. The three in favor of the current drinking age will act as the government, while the other three will represent the opposition in a parliamentary style hearing.

More on CCD and the debate after the jump.

Meet the Candidates: Off-Campus Representatives

On Wednesday the student body will vote in members for the fifth assembly of the University Park Undergraduate Association. Today we will be publishing guides about each of the positions and the candidates running for them.

There are 12 'Off-Campus Representative' positions open to full-time undergraduate students who attend University Park and live off-campus. This year, 17 students are competing.

Meet the Candidates: On-Campus Representatives

On Wednesday the student body will vote in members for the fifth assembly of the University Park Undergraduate Association. Today we will be publishing guides about each of the positions and the candidates running for them.

There are seven 'Off-Campus Representative' positions open to full-time undergraduate students who attend University Park and live off-campus. This year, only seven students are running.

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