

Month: April 2010

The Natty Nittany: The Executive Branch

On election day, I ran into Colleen Smith taking a rest outside of the HUB. I am embarrassed to say that I didn't know who she was, and still didn't get the hint to when she told me "It's been a long day." I saw Christian Ragland walking around and shaking hands, and I did recognize him, but little did I know that the girl I asked to photograph for The Natty Nittany was in fact his running mate.

See the full breakdown after the jump.

TV Talk Show Spots Available

After Hours, a talk show on PSNtv that airs each Tuesday night at 10:30, currently has openings for a Host and Co-Host position on the show. They will be holding open auditions for the posts next Thursday, April 8, from 8-10 p.m. in their studio at 103 Innovation Park. If you have further questions, email Ray Radomicki at [email protected].

For those of you who don't know, PSNtv is not only a real live TV station (Channel 33) with a full broadcast schedule, but an official club as well. They deal with all aspects of TV communications, from production to editing to writing. After Hours bills itself as a "side-splitting comedy" show dealing with real issues—good for a laugh after a particularly long day. To perhaps give you a better idea of what they do, here's a video of some of their antics after the jump.

Joe Paterno Spring Press Conference

In his usual reticent manner, Joe Paterno told the media on Wednesday that he did not really have any answers as to how the football team will look in the fall.

Paterno said, "I think this press conference is ridiculous."

He did tell the media almost apologetically that the reason that he could not give any information was because he and his staff still do not know who will fill in at certain positions. In fact, the only positions that seem certain right now are center, place kicker, and running back.

Paterno did give some information out, including that Drew Astorino is banged up and that Brandon Beachum will not do any work this spring due to his knee injury sustained last fall. He also said that he is looking at Chaz Powell on defense and that punting is a high priority this off-season.

"We've got to do better on punt coverage," he said.

Read on for the scoop on the new quarterback.

A Social Network for Generation Y

If you are reading this, chances are that you're one of 80 million people of Generation Y. More specifically, Generation Y describes the group of people born between 1980 and 1995. Some of us Gen Y'ers remember a world without widespread internet use, but we really grew up as digital natives. And as digital natives, we're clamoring for the new cool way to communicate or to get our hands on the next raddest hottest piece of technology.

Studies confirm what we already know. We don't want to use Facebook to interact with professors or with possible employers. Social networks like LinkedIn are chunky and, in my opinion, not versatile enough for our generation. Among the hordes of social networking services, one service carefully toes the line between your personal and working world.

The Brazen Careerist, started in part by Penn State grad Ryan Paugh (a member of Sigma Alpha Mu here at Penn State and a former THON dancer), sets out to fill the gap left by major social networks. It represents a new way for Generation Y'ers to share ideas, share advice and network with their peers. Paugh says that the Brazen Careerist is targeted primarily towards college and graduate students with a particular focus in mind:

We built the network to help you guys avoid the mistakes that we made during our transition into "the real world." Brazen Careerist is a place to build a professional network before you find yourself in a situation that you don't want to be in. Example: Getting stuck in a job that you really hate. Even worse, getting stuck in your parent's basement without a job.

Read the rest of this piece after the break.

THON Announces New Overall Committee

This evening, the Penn State Dance Marathon announced the members of the Overall Committee for THON 2011. The committee members, chosen by Overall Chairperson, Kirsten Kelly, and THON advisor, Barry Bram, will be the leaders of the world's largest student-run philanthropy.

Click through to see the selectees.


The rhythm extravaganza that is STOMP graced Eisenhower Auditorium on both Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Compared to all the other forms of art I have seen, I must admit that this was the most avant-garde and MOST AWESOME! Using non-conventional instruments, the performers created complex beats and rhythms, and the entire act left the audience slack jawed and wide eyed.

To observe as performers brought forth rhythm out of nothing was a stunning display of, talent. Using newspapers, coughs, and more, the members of the STOMP team created one of the funniest pieces of the evening. They threw everything into their performance, including the kitchen sink. For the most part, however, they appeared to use brooms as they "cleaned" the stage of Eisenhower using stomps, taps, and beats from the brooms (OPP take note!).

The STOMP members also used a call and response with the audience, which solidified that the people on stage did, in fact, have more rhythm than a mostly sold out Eisenhower Auditorium. The fact that the STOMP performers put on such an incredible show while including the audience made this possibly the best act I have seen at Penn State.

Too bad the guy on my right slept through the whole thing.

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