Distraction of the Day: Four Loko Stories
Despite questions concerning its safety, the Four Loko craze continues on. The alcoholic energy drink drink has swept both college campuses and the internet and has been the source for a plethora of content for humor sites, such as this previous Distraction.
Now, joining similar websites like Texts From Last Night and FMyLife, the Four Loko craze has brought forth another site where one can kill time laughing at the expense of others: Four Loko Stories.
The website’s slogan proclaims the motivation of the short, user-submitted stories: “What the fuck happened last night?”
Along with submitting their accounts of Loko-filled antics, readers can also vote whether stories are “Loko” or “Not Loko.” The website also features a Lokator, allowing visitors to find areas where the drink has been banned, and a link to the FreeLoko movement.
While not always as funny as similar sites like Texts From Last Night, Four Loko Stories did have a few good finds during a quick read through. My personal favorite was this story: “G.W. Bush: One night me and Cheney got two sixers of Four Loco. I remember drinking about 3. I wake up and we’re sending troops to Iraq and Cheney shot a man IN THE FACE!”
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