Onward State Presents: The ‘Official’ THON Theme Generator
Have you ever looked at some of the THON or Homecoming themes and felt like they’re just randomly chosen from a bank of terms or name generator? I mean, how else would they come up with phrases such as ‘Together Without Limits’ or ‘Believe Beyond Boundaries?’
If such a tool does exist, we were unable to uncover it, so we made our own. Onward State is proud to introduce the official THON Theme Generator. All you have to do is match the initials of your first, middle, and last names to each of the FTK-inspired words in each step and you’ll have yourself a new THON theme.
For example, if your name just so happens to be Joseph Vincent Paterno, then your THON theme would be “Journey through Vibrant Possibilities.”
So pull up your high socks, strap on your fanny packs, and find out your THON theme today because we dance in 120!
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