

Author: Ellie Skrzat

About the Author

Ellie Skrzat

Ellie Skrzat is a SHC Junior BFA in drawing and painting. Her last name means "gnome" in Polish, which is perfect because that's exactly what Ellie is. A gnome. Ellie performs with Full Ammo Improv.

More Effective SRTE Questions

With finals week only a few weeks away, SRTEs (Student Rating of Teacher Effectiveness) are set to open on December 3rd, which allow you to finally take out your frustrations (or jubilance) on all of your professors in the form of a survey. SRTEs have been around since 1985, and offer the standard questions that help departments evaluate the effectiveness of professors. But maybe they should ask some of these, too, for a more "honest" assessment.

The Forgotten Countdowns of 11/7/12

It's 100 days ‘til THON, everybody! If you start getting restless in between all the canning, sleeping, and perfecting your gangnam style, here are some other upcoming events you can start preparing for.

Embarrassing Things I’ve Done at Penn State

I though that after the high school years, striking banality would be a thing of the past. But Happy Valley has its fair share of randomness. Here is a list of some iffy things I've done while at Penn State.

Possible State College Marketing Techniques

Some of State College's downtown businesses aren't advertised well enough, BUT here are some marketing ploys they could use to get our attention and subsequently throw us into a panic.

Second Half Of THON Variety Show Doesn’t Disappoint

As our bodies began to feel the weight of the 40 hours endured thus far of THON 2012, our spirits relentlessly carried on. With the second half of the “Family Variety Hour” as our second (or third) wind, and with the exciting end now in sight, a new energy hit the floor Sunday morning.

Romantic Spots On Campus (OR) Reminders Of Why YOU’LL ALWAYS BE SINGLE On Campus

Valentine’s day is just around the corner for everyone, but love, unfortunately, is not! Whether you’ve already mated or you’re on the prowl, these locations on campus are about as lovey-dovey as they come. After the jump, check out where to take that guy or gal who has caught your wandering eye.

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