

Author: Megan

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Want to Win a Netbook?

Is your laptop slow, broken, or just plain terrible? Well good news to all…Penn State’s ITS is conducting a contest for students to win a free Eee PC 1005HA Netbook worth $299.00! The contest began on October 19, 2009 and ends December 4, 2009. You can enter the contest via the Internet by going to […]

The History of Peace

An upcoming exhibit on peace will be held in Penn State’s Pasquerilla Spiritual Center, which will spotlight the lives of  Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and Daisaku Ikeda through their words, photographs, and history. The exhibition’s main goal is to deliver a prominent message about individual leadership and the difference that one person can […]

Serious Budget Decrease for Local Library

The recently passed 2009-2010 budget will greatly affect the Schlow Centre Region Library, levying a more than 20% reduction in the library’s annual appropriation. The reduction has caused the library to reevaluate many of its programs (Updated 5:14 pm: the following are contingent on Schlow not getting additional funding): Power Library (online databases and study […]

Hooray for Wi-FI!! or Not?

I’d personally like to welcome Penn State to the 21st century. In case you were unaware, Penn State has finally decided to install Wireless Internet in some of the dorms. I think this is worthy of a round of applause! However, as Penn State takes one step forward in to the 21st century, it also […]

D.A. Race + PSU Students = End of Partying?

Partying, Violence and Drugs! That is what comes to mind when most think of PSU. With the District Attorney race on the rise will our partying come to an end? That question will be left up to Republican candidate Michael Madeira, or Democrat candidate Stacy Parks Miller. Coincidentally, PSU being proudly ranked the #1 party […]

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