

Tag: green man

And to Think That I Saw It on Pollock Road

I don’t do drugs, nor do I condone their use. I prefer to live my life according to the words of Marcus Garvey. “The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind.”

But dudes, Friday was 4/20, the high holy day of the stoner population. And I don’t know what those guys were on, but I thought it spread across campus and I had caught a whiff of it. I saw some freaky stuff on Pollock Road by the HUB, and second-hand dope seemed like the only logical explanation.

Apply to Bust Kids on State Patty’s Day!

Do you hate fun? Do you want to make sure it gets the hell out of State College on February 26? Do you want to contribute to the rising crime statistics of the infamous State Patty's Day? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should apply to be a Community Outreach Informant (whoops, I meant Volunteer) with the State College Borough!

Green Man Visits the Nittany Lion Shrine [Just for Fun]

A while back, Onward State set out to make a video that incorporated one of Penn State's most recognizable landmarks: the Nittany Lion Shrine. Since then, we've been pretty busy and haven't found time to post it. As we start the last week of fall semester class today, take a break from your studies and check it out.

On a viral scale, is it 1918 Spanish flu or just a sore throat?

Mission Accomplished

Back in February, Onward State had the honor of being nominated for 2008’s Best Alternative Media Outlet by U.S. News and World Report’s Paper Trail blog. We had a great start, but then after voter support waned, I did something desperate. In addition to issuing a death threat, I offered “One Mark Act of Shame” […]

The People Have Spoken

When we were up for Best Alternative News Source of 2008 by U.S. News & World Report’s Paper Trail Blog, I made a desperate move – offering one “Mark Act of Shame” in exchange for an improbable late surge. All of you made that happen, so in exchange, I made good on my offer and […]

Green Man: Party Hard, Study Hard

As many of you know, Green Man knows how to party. What you may not know, though, is that, despite being a certified party animal, Green Man has finals, just like all of us. So what does Green Man do when he needs to study? He goes to the Pattee Library, of course! Click inside […]

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