“STATE PATTY’S DAY LIVE BLOG WOOOOOOOOOO!” Hello to all my loyal bros and babes. I just woke up from last night’s pre-State Patty’s Day escapades, and I’m about to start my participation in the greatest Penn State holiday ever! To show everyone what it’s like, I will be live blogging my experiences. Let’s do this! […]
The upstairs of the HUB is busy with people waiting for a concert with Forensic Unit and Charles Hamilton.
People in the area around Nittany Apartments report that there are lots of EMS, Police, and firetrucks around. All the roads around the complex are blocked. There is no smoke, but something must have happened. If you have any information, let us know and we’ll update this post. Updated: The commotion was caused by an […]
So, last week the Internet just about exploded when popular consumer advocate blog The Consumerist flagged a change in Facebook’s Terms of Service policy when they deleted what some considered a pretty important clause: You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the […]
The revolutionary musical “The Wiz” premiered on Broadway in 1975 as the first adaptation of The Wizard of Oz where all of the characters were portrayed as African Americans. The Penn State School of Theater put on a dazzling production of it this week, and will continue to do so through the weekend. We were […]
Well… just one more fake holiday. Steve already covered the similarity between our State Patty’s Day and the University of Illinois’ Unofficial St. Patrick’s Day. This other Penn State “holiday” has no parallel. The Collegian ran an article today about Gentle Thursday. This holiday from the 70s was created for more peaceful, less alcohol-related reasons […]