

Day: February 21, 2010

Indie Spotlight: FOTO

Right after the electric Go-Go-Gadjet set, I managed to interview Andrew McGough, one of the founders, and finance executive chair for FOTO. He was kind enough to leave his team in the final hour of THON and answer my questions.

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Indie Spotlight: ASME

Nicole of ASME (which I want to say is American Society of Mechanical Engineers?) was good enough during the final hours of dancing to share some thoughts about THON with me.

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Committee Spotlight: Hospitality

I flagged with Sarah Hefner and Courtney Hawkins of Hospitality, who talked a bit about THON and about what they do.

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Greek Spotlight: Alpha Phi

Maggie Davis, a senior in Alpha Phi sorority answered some questions about her THON experiences.

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Family Hour: The Reason for THON

There was hardly a dry eye in the crowd as this year's Family Hour drew to a close. The entire stadium sang along to Alabama's "Angels Among Us" as people on the floor and in the stands joined arms and swayed together.

Family Hour is what THON is all about. It is a chance for the families helped by the Four Diamonds Fund and THON to share their gratitude. Families shared their stories; stories with happy and bittersweet endings.

Read on about my experience on the floor during Family Hour.

Indie Spotlight: Penn State Powerlifting

Wandering around the floor, I found Kevin Sheaffer, dancing for Penn State Powerlifting.

See what he had to say...

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