

Day: March 22, 2010

Public Relations Society to Host Fashion Show

Fashionistas rejoice! It is time for the second annual Spring Fashion Show hosted by the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) on March 24 at 7 p.m. at Café 210 West.

This year, March Fadness will feature items from local and national brands. A portion of the proceeds will go to The Prom Attire Event. This group saves and recycles gently used prom dresses. Tickets are $5 and you must be at least 21 years old to enter.

One Stage Revolution

Despite their name, One Stage Revolution is NOT a theater revolution to topple No Refund Theater. According to their Facebook page:

One Stage Revolution is a new theatre club on the Penn State University Park campus that is all about body specific theatre (using different actor training techniques such as Suzuki, Viewpoints, Yoga, and Dance) and civic engagement. Anyone can join; no experience is necessary.

OSR uses performance to comment on social problems by showcasing a variety of viewpoints in their commentary on race, cultures, gender, sexuality, and religion to stimulate awareness about various issues. Through this, they hope to affect change in our society.

After the jump: more details about the plays themselves and when you can see them.

PSU Pride Week 2010

Penn State's Pride Week 2010 kicks off today, and Onward State has the full list of events for all wishing to participate.

Here's the week's full itinerary:

Monday - HUB Takeover from 12 to 2pm in the HUB and GAYME Show 7pm at 325 in the HUB.

Tuesday - Teatro Chicana book signing from 1-3pm at the Allen St. Grill and Open Mic from 6-8pm at the West Lounge.

Wednesday - Pride Rally at 12pm at Old Main, Lt Dan Choi keynote speech at 7:30pm in the HUB auditorium, and Webster's Social from 9-11pm at Webster's Cafe.

Friday - BNY Mellon career info meeting 11:30-1pm in 101 Boucke, Pride Parade at 4pm between the Life Sci and Chemistry buildings, and Pro Drag Show at 10pm in HUB Alumni Hall.

Saturday - LGBT Alumni Interest Group Reception (for graduating seniors) from 3-6pm.

There will also be a Safer Sextravaganza the Tuesday after Pride Week at 7pm in HUB Alumni Hall.

Anyone wishing to find more information on Penn State's LGBTA organization or anything pertianing to the events for Pride Week can check out the official site.

Mr. Freshman Penn State Moves on to National Contest

After winning's 'Mr. Freshman: Penn State' contest, Mike Tubolino is competing for the national title. You can vote for him, check his profile, or watch his video, but first, read our interview with him!

What inspired you to run for this competition?
It was a spontaneous decision. I was not aware of the Mr. Freshman: Penn State contest until two days before the applications were due when a friend informed me through Facebook about this competition and said I had a chance of winning if I ran. I lightheartedly filled out the application, and sent it in literally an hour or two before the deadline. Fifteen minutes later I got an email stating I was one of four finalists. It was really more serendipity than inspiration.

Are you viewed differently amongst your peers because of your victory?
I am still the same person, but more people are aware of my presence. My close friends rag on me for it as a bit of a running joke. I get a lot of random people who I don't know saying, "I voted for you!" which is awesome because I love talking to random people.

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Loves Penn State

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus performed in HUB Alumni Hall on Saturday night and once again they earned my respect.

  • Ronnie Winter (lead singer) has perfect hair. Always. Every time I have seen them, his hair has been beautiful.
  • Winter also had one of the coolest belt buckles I've ever seen.
  • They sang all of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song with the audience.
  • It was the Jack Black look alike's birthday.  They smashed cake in his face.
  • They not only played almost all old songs, but they took audience requests.  Though almost everyone was yelling, "Face Down," Winter heard "Cat and Mouse" and the band played it beautifully.
  • If you ever just sat and watched Jon Wilkes (drummer), he constantly licked his drumsticks.  Props...I would get so many splinters.

If the dance pits and crowd surfers galore are any indication, the crowd enjoyed the concert. The band looked like they were into the atmosphere as well. And I for one absolutely approved of their performance. Well done, Red Jumpsuit.  Well done.

Catching A Bad Break

What did you do over spring break? The answers to this question would vary immensely across the spectrum of students at campus. Hung out at home, went out of the country, volunteered, etc. Some of us had more fun than others.

And then there's Kevin Cassidy. While in Acapulco, Kevin, a Senior at Penn State, decided to jump off of a cliff platform into a pool. It didn't quite go the way he planned. Thankfully, someone was on hand with a camera, and the resulting video now has over 100,000 views at Check it out for yourself after the jump, and maybe that hangover you had over break won't seem quite as bad.

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