Power Ranking Penn State Football Coaches’ Twitter Accounts

In an apparent effort to stay “hip” and relate to their generation-z players, pretty much all of Penn State’s football coaches are present in the Twittersphere.
Granted, some are more apt at communicating via 140 280 characters than others, so we decided to rank them.
We mostly focused on each coach’s creativity — in whatever form it took. We’re looking at who has the most to say aside from all of their retweets (most of which were the same for each coach). Furthermore, we only focused on Tweets from the past four months to make things easier on ourselves. (We’re bloggers, but even we can only spend so much time on Twitter.)
After scrolling through endless streams of Penn State football content, here is the definitive power ranking of the coaches’ Tweeters.
1. Sean Spencer
You expected James Franklin, didn’t you? While Franklin undoubtedly tweets the most out his entire staff, defensive line coach Sean Spencer beats him with quality over quantity. Just look at his National Dog Day tweet — it’s Twitter gold.
Today is National Dog Day! These are my dogs at home and these are my dogs at Work. #wilddogs pic.twitter.com/tLAIbssqFN
— Sean Spencer (@SpenceChaos) August 26, 2018
…not to mention his GIF work, which is also off the charts. I could write an entire rhetorical analysis about the first wild dogs post below. There’s so much symbolism to unpack here.
We going hunting today!! Wild Dogs!!!! pic.twitter.com/EBCkwLCj75
— Sean Spencer (@SpenceChaos) August 24, 2018
Teach drills that make sense! Precise contact points. Wild dogs hit where it counts. pic.twitter.com/O0fiFZGgn8
— Sean Spencer (@SpenceChaos) May 29, 2018
Spencer even gifted us with a behind-the-scenes look of the Wild Dogs getting hype. Keep enriching our timeline with this content!
When you gotta get your Wilds Dogs up for a night meeting!
— Sean Spencer (@SpenceChaos) August 16, 2018pic.twitter.com/5mB5vlpDlV
Lastly, it should be noted that @SpenceChaos is by far the coolest Twitter handle on the staff.
2. James Franklin
Even with the highest number of followers, the head coach fell to number two on this list. His Twitter account is supported mostly by his use of bits –most notably, repeating the name of this week’s opponent as many times as humanly possible Twitter’s character limit will allow.
App St, App St, App St, App St, App St, App St, App St, App St, App St, App St, App St, App St!
— James Franklin (@coachjfranklin) August 26, 2018
Most important game on our schedule!
Sometimes he’ll take a break from his usual Twitter antics to get us all ready to run through a brick wall. Seriously, how is it possible to get this jazzed up over a quoted Darren Rovell tweet?
The Power Of VISUALIZATION! The Power Of Self-Image! You must see your VISION, your dream so clearly that it starts to become YOUR REALITY! https://t.co/WqpF7OJjwA
— James Franklin (@coachjfranklin) August 27, 2018
Unfortunately, Franklin falters at times when it comes to originality, namely by quoting every tweet ever that mentions Penn State football with the caption #WeAre. Honestly, sometimes it seems like his account is just a bot that just retweets Penn State football content. Spin zone: James Franklin is the last Penn State football-related account you’ll ever need to follow.
3. Kenny Sanders
Technically Sanders isn’t a coach, but the assistant director of player personnel earned his spot on this list nonetheless. Bashing Fortnite on the timeline and appeasing to millennials makes Sanders a Twitter pro.
Forget Fortnite.. who wants it? #WeAre pic.twitter.com/p20kmA8gH6
— Kenny Sanders (@knnysndrs) July 19, 2018
…not to mention exceptional GIF usage like this, which was definitely in response to landing a recruit, but also explains all of our moods heading into the first tailgate of the season.
Happy Valley #mood #WeAre
— Kenny Sanders (@knnysndrs) July 28, 2018@coachseider @RickyRahne @CoachDCorleyJr @CoachLimegrover @TylerBowen @theking1 @AGoodman18 pic.twitter.com/Fof6Lb3Tby
He even riffs with @SpenceChaos on the Twitter machine.
Let me know @SpenceChaos #WeAre #clickclick
— Kenny Sanders (@knnysndrs) July 28, 2018pic.twitter.com/fFF1AI4Lda
Shots fired! He put the defensive unit on blast and even made sure to @ them, too. Do yourself a favor and read this whole thread for some more great replies from the rest of the staff.
— Kenny Sanders (@knnysndrs) June 23, 2018
coming for the Defense at the hottest camp tomorrow
#WeAre @CoachPry_LBU @CoachTerryPSU @SpenceChaos @CoachTimBanks @Coach_Galiano @CoachKevinSmith @CoachFly_ @theking1 pic.twitter.com/MdMnZih3jR
4. Ricky Rahne
Rahne comes in hot on the list with the Bob The Builder GIF. This is truly some galaxy brain (i.e. next) level GIF usage from the offensive coordinator.
Another big piece today. Building something special. #WeAre pic.twitter.com/NOHQeRKqZZ
— Ricky Rahne (@RickyRahne) August 7, 2018
He solidifies his position with a funny tweet about the inflatable pool slide he got for his kids. A tweet that’s not about football?! *GASP*
After watching my two boys have a blast on this today I realized one of two things needs to happen: 1) Weight limits need to increase on these; or 2) I need to lose a couple lbs. #Option1 #PeterPanComplex pic.twitter.com/wKh7fJlm05
— Ricky Rahne (@RickyRahne) May 28, 2018
A National Dog Day post featuring the kids is pretty much the textbook definition of a good Dad-tweet. No surprise here — Rahne nails it.
Always love coming home to these two. Truly man’s (and boy’s) best friend. #NationalDogDay pic.twitter.com/Kwd03PcmKU
— Ricky Rahne (@RickyRahne) August 26, 2018
5. Ja’Juan Seider
Running backs coach Ja’Juan Seider lands at number five, but don’t be fooled. We stan him for sharing his music choices with the world: M-M-M-M-Maybach Music.
Day 1 of fall camp. Rocking that @RickRoss getting that mind right.
— Ja’Juan Seider (@coachseider) August 3, 2018
He even drops a quintessential student athlete caption on this action shot. If you didn’t know any better, you might have even thought that this was Miles Sanders’ tweet.
See the hole, hit the hole. Clear vision. pic.twitter.com/lFnbeODf3t
— Ja’Juan Seider (@coachseider) August 22, 2018
Seider gets a lot of credit here for using “turn up” correctly plus the A$AP Rocky GIF for the youth culture. We can only imagine how lit the Fourth of July must have been with Seider in Myrtle Beach.
Turn up pic.twitter.com/T1Cg7L9lhx
— Ja’Juan Seider (@coachseider) July 4, 2018
6. Matt Limegrover
The offensive line coach comes in at number six thanks in no small part to his GIF game.
Another day, another bigtime OL commitment for the PSU football family!! Today is a GREAT day to be the O-Line coach at Penn State! #OLPride #Mindset pic.twitter.com/w4M42kbivH
— Coach Matt Limegrover (@CoachLimegrover) August 7, 2018
If a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a GIF must be worth #107000kStrong. Limegrover knows there’s no better way to show emotion on the internet than with a moving picture.
Happy O-Line Coach in Happy Valley!! Bigtime addition to family!! #WeAre #OLPride #Mindset pic.twitter.com/lpLDstXDlP
— Coach Matt Limegrover (@CoachLimegrover) August 2, 2018
He tweeted the GIF below at least three times over the summer by our account, thus showing how little he could contain his excitement.
This is one happy OL coach right now! Elite addition!! Bigtime Player!! LET'S GO! #OLPride #Mindset pic.twitter.com/Nha0TvXnM2
— Coach Matt Limegrover (@CoachLimegrover) July 23, 2018
When he’s not tweeting the same GIF over and over again, he updates us on the happenings of the O-Line. Here are the big fellas doing some community service. Now that’s what we call good ol’ fashion family Twitter content.
PSU O-Line Community Outreach in full effect tonight. 19 young men at 2 locations giving back to a community that gives so much. #GivingBack #YSB #OLPride #Mindset pic.twitter.com/Nw8zr8mBew
— Coach Matt Limegrover (@CoachLimegrover) July 2, 2018
7. Tyler Bowen
Honestly, the only reason tight end coach Tyler Bowen made this list was because his dog is in his Twitter profile picture.
Home Team! #WeAre pic.twitter.com/ljJd3teYT5
— Tyler Bowen (@TylerBowen) June 1, 2018
And because he takes core value number three super literally, apparently.
Compete in everything you do! Including having the best plate in training table!
— Tyler Bowen (@TylerBowen) August 5, 2018#Aces
8. Phil Galiano
Sorry, but we had to expose Galiano for this disaster. Saying “at” before Blake Gillikin’s Twitter handle is a huge technical error from the special teams coordinator. Still, we have to give him some props for supporting punters on the timeline.
My dude at @blakegillikin reppin for the Specialists out there!! pic.twitter.com/l7rMLwgwcu
— Phil Galiano (@Coach_Galiano) June 13, 2018
Note: Some coaches missing from this list include Tim Banks, Terry Smith, David Corley, and Brent Pry. This was not oversight. Their Twitter accounts are just too boring.
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