

Author: Anthony Fiset

About the Author

Anthony Fiset

Anthony is a senior *gasp* majoring in Economics and a lifetime Costco Executive Member. If you are an employer, please hire him. Otherwise, direct all complaints to [email protected].

Student Life

Power Ranking The Best & Worst Chairs On Campus

Your butt has been looking for the best places to rest at Penn State. Here they are.

Student Life

What To Do In Pittsburgh Over Thanksgiving Break

Check out all of the attractions, concerts, and sporting events that the Steel City has to offer when you find yourself bored at home next week.

Student Life

Your Whoop/Bloop Etiquette Guide

Here's an unofficial guide to campus transportation manners.


Penn State’s Tree-Climbing Course Helps Students Branch Out

Jim Savage gives students a new, higher perspective on campus and learning with his course on tree climbing.


Former Penn State Football Player Tyler Shoop Living Pro Wrestling Dream In Tennessee

After forgoing his redshirt senior season, Shoop is finally getting the chance to do what he loves.


Penn State Football’s Jersey Recruit Graphic Is Problematic

Penn State football's latest recruit graphics are a bit problematic.

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