

Author: Brian Derr

About the Author

White Out Coming To THON

When it comes to doing creative and cool things- Penn Staters do it the best. When we want a White House at Beaver Stadium, we get 110,000 people to wear all white. When we want to help beat cancer, we raise millions of dollars and dance for 46 hours to help ease the burden on pediatric cancer patients and their families. In a few days, Penn State will have the chance to combine both of these things and white out THON 2012. It has been spreading around campus and social media sites that for the first time in THON's history, the Pep Rally will be a White Out.

THON Makes It On The TODAY Show

As many of us saw throughout the day on Friday through Facebook and Twitter, THON was able to make it onto national TV thanks to some very dedicated students. At around 8:00 on Friday morning Al Roker introduced the TODAY Show viewers to the cause that we all hold very close to our hearts. Featured on national television were Andrew Lambert, Donor and Alumni Relations Overall Anuj Upadhyay, Supply Logistics Overall Pat Howley, and THON 2012 Overall Chairperson Elaine Tanella.

THON is Just Around the Corner

With the turning of the calendar to February tomorrow, we enter the homestretch for THON. Fundraising is kicking into high gear, and dancers, organizations, and committees are beignning to prepare for the best weekend that Penn State has to offer.

Songwriters Club Concerts to Benefit THON

It has been a long and sad couple of days for us here in Happy Valley. With the passing of our beloved Joe Paterno, we once again are reminded of how precious life is and how important it is to live for more than just ourselves.

With that in mind, we are reminded that THON is just a few weeks away and the Penn State community has an opportunity to come together for some music, fun and fundraising for a cause which we all hold so dear.

The Songwriters Club will be hosting concerts tonight and tomorrow night that will feature many student acts to benefit THON.

THON Week Kicks off Today

With a little less than a month until our favorite weekend of the year, this week will offer a variety of events for students to get involved and hyped for THON. Starting tonight with a THON Bowl, see what other events are scheduled for the rest of the week.

All Hail! Burger King is Here!

For all of those out there who swore on December 31st at 11:59 pm that 2012 was going to be the year that you got in shape and ate healthier, meet your match. The King of Burgers has nearly arrived at University Park.

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