

Author: Joe McFetridge

About the Author

Joe McFetridge

I'm a Junior majoring in Art Education, Ceramics, and Photography. Fashion and style are a huge part of my life, so it makes perfect sense that I'm photographing and writing the Natty Nittany!


Natty Nittany: Winter Woes

I know it's cold, but finding a Natty Nittany is becoming harder than it initially seemed. But thank you to the one person I found walking around in something other then a floor length North Face jacket that looks like something your grandmother owned. Maybe that's a topic for Friday. Lindsay did a great job of dealing with the cold and looking great at the same time. Check out what I think makes it an outfit worthy of the Natty Nittany after the jump.

Natty Nittany: Black and Brown

Mixing black and brown is an ambitious decision.

Mixing these two colors can work, but it's risky. The trick is to combine black and brown only when an article of clothing compels you to do so. Check out this week's Natty Nittany does it.

Natty Nittany: What Not to Wear

This week I wanted to focus on the “Penn State Uniform,” which I have been told is called "the SNUGG" (because it consists of Spandex, a Northface fleece, and UGGs). But to critique it, I needed to get images of SNUGG wearers in their natural habitat. Even though there were an astronomical amount of girls wearing that combination of SNUGGS--trust me--all the girls wearing this outfit campus refused to let me take their picture. After walking around for 2 hours and stopping at least 20 girls I came to the conclusion that they were all extremely embarrassed that they are wearing this outfit. If that's the case, why wear it?

I even offered to cover their faces, and they still refused. If you’re going to wear the SNUGG, OWN IT! Don’t be ashamed that you’re buying into this trend, be proud of it. I learned a long time ago that if you’re going to wear something, even if it's thoughtless and unoriginal, like the SNUGG is, wear it with confidence.

Natty Nittany: Fighting the Cold with Fashion

I’ve had several people over the last few weeks ask me why this segment is call the “Natty Nittany?” And no, it has nothing to do with Natty Light. Natty is actually defined as “neatly or trimly smart in dress or appearance.” So that's what I'm looking for in the people I track down on the street. Which brings us to this weeks Natty Nattany! Check it out after the jump.

Natty Nittany: What Not to Wear

We all have those days. You woke up late for class, couldn't find your favorite jeans and blouse, and the only thing you can do to your hair is yank a brush through it as you run out the door. Then you get to class and you look like you got dressed in the dark.

There are some people who simply look like they get dressed in the dark everyday though, and they need a little help in the what not to wear department.

Every Friday I'll be critiquing the don't on the streets on State College and hopefully helping people get a better understanding on what's fun to wear and what just look frightening.

Natty Nittany: Dapper Dudes at Penn State

Let’s hear it for the boys! This week I couldn’t decide between these dapper dudes, so I decided to show both. It’s not always easy to find well-dressed men on campus, but when you do they really catch your eye.

First we have Justin sporting a fusion of hipster and hip-hop in his red/white sneakers and his awesome khaki blazer, that made me want to run to Express and see if they have any on sale. I love the color combo he’s working with and it really makes him stand out in a crowd. The black bead necklace is a little 2008 Enrique Iglesias, but overall he’s look’n quite natty today.

Check out another Natty Nittany photo after the jump.

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