

Author: John Dempsey

About the Author

John Dempsey

John is a Junior majoring in Journalism from Hazleton, PA. He is so awesome that sharks dedicate a week to him.
Likes: Video games, vigilante justice, irony, talking bears, Burt Reynolds, El Chupacabra, coloring books, chainsaws, and Australians.
Dislikes: Zombies, clowns, zombie clowns, turtleneck sweaters, Apple, poor mustache grooming, nuclear winter, Roman architecture, guacamole, robots, LCD TVs, the color yellow, Velcro, ceiling fans, sprinklers, tornadoes, Belgians, squat thrusts, and romantic comedies.

7 Natural Disasters That Wouldn’t Close PSU

Last week, Penn State already showed everyone its ability to spit in the face of Jack Frost. The question then is how PSU would fare in the worst conditions. We've come up with 7 natural disasters and considered how Penn State would react to them.

HUB Titles: RED

When watching “Red,” it isn’t hard to figure out that the movie likes to think that age is only a number. This film makes you consider your own age in the grand scheme of things. I remember a time when every computer in the neighborhood had dial-up and floppy disks were relevant. It was a simpler time, when MTV played music and Nickelodeon played cartoons.“Red” tells the older generation among us that awesomeness and badassery never suffer under the passage of time.

What the Hell is Frog Ball?

We here at Onward State have recently become aware of an activity going on at this very campus known as Frog Ball.

Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with hanging out with an angsty teenage Kermit, playing old school video games, or licking poison dart frogs. It is actually much more beneficial than any of those activities.

Frog Ball is one of the newest official clubs at University Park. Many questions come to mind: Where did it come from? How do you play? Will Ohio State invent Toad Ball in a fit of jealous rage? Read on and your curiosity will be done away with.

HUB Titles: The Social Network

Facebook. Never would I have thought that something could make it suck to have tons of friends you don’t know, engage in battles with the mafia, or farm crops. Okay, maybe Facebook can’t be blamed for the last two. Regardless, who would have ever thought that a site that encourages sharing drunken pictures of waterskiing with no pants and made “friend” into a verb would ever be worthy of praise? Apparently, only 500 million people and the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is who. I think you too will Like “The Social Network.”

The Phyrst Will Stop Blowing Smoke

Smoke ‘em if ya got ‘em because starting Friday the Phyrst will make you go outside if you want to light up.

According to Penn State’s resident printed type peddlers, the decision came after patrons complained about smokiness and a general increase in odors that weren’t drinking-related. When the ban begins, The Phyrst will join many other local establishments that have become smoke-free.

HUB Titles: It’s Kind of a Funny Story

I’ve been known to crack some jokes here at Onward State. Most of my stories are as serious as a one-legged orphan kitten getting punched in the face by a Native American being forced off his land. That is some super downer stuff right there. Dig through some of my past stories, though, and you just might let loose a chuckle or two. But would I ever joke about mental illness? Of course not. I’m not that heartless. “It’s Kind of a Funny Story,” however, was just crazy enough to try it. The result just might blow your mind.

Read on after the break to find out about the premise, the performance, and the final verdict.

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