

Sandusky Trial: Day Nine [Live Blog] GUILTY

Last Updated: June 22, 11:50 p.m.

Jerry Sandusky — former Penn State defensive coordinator and founder of The Second Mile charity — is facing 48 charges related to the molestation of ten boys dating back to 1994 and as recent as 2009.

On June 11 in the Centre County Courthouse, one of the most anticipated trials in Pennsylania history — Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Gerald A. Sandusky — began. Onward State will be in the courtroom for its entirety, frequently updating this page with our updates and reactions, as well as the @OnwardState Twitter feed, as courtroom regulations allow.

We hope that this page will serve as an authoritative aggregation of one of the worst tragedies in the history of academia and Penn State University. This page will be maintained by @KevinHornePSU and @RBecklerPSU.

Click here for our comprehensive trial reference guide.

Click here for our interactive trial timeline.

Day Nine: June 22, 2012

12:12 p.m. – Jerry Sandusky Centre County jail booking photo.

11:50 p.m. – Penn State President Rodney Erickson has also released a statement.

11:37 p.m. – The Pedobear returns and has a message for Jerry Sandusky‬ following his conviction.

11: 34 p.m. – The family of Joe Paterno has released a statement following the conviction of Jerry Sandusky on 45 counts of child sexual abuse.

11:29 p.m. – Jerry Sandusky leaves the courthouse in handcuffs. (via @Phillydotcom)

11:27 p.m. – Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has released a statement regarding the conviction of Jerry Sandusky on 45 counts of child sexual abuse.

11:21 p.m. – Penn State has released a statement about the guilty verdict in the Jerry Sandusky case

10:46 p.m. – Hundreds of people have gathered outside of the Centre County Courthouse.

10:44 p.m. – The view from the courthouse exit. 

10:14 p.m. – *BREAKING: Jerry Sandusky has been convicted of 45 out of 48 counts.* We’ll have more soon. Here’s the initial link.

9:33 p.m. – Per a court email, we will have a verdict in 20 minutes.

6:36 p.m. – The jury is now on a one hour dinner break. It is unclear how close they are to finding a verdict.

3:37 p.m. – The jury inquired about the “excited utterance” testimony regarding Victim 8. Judge Cleland repeated his instructions, saying that the hearsay statement of Mr. Calhoun, relayed by Mr. Petrovsky, alone is not enough to convict. “You must be satisfied that there is other evidence that a crime was committed besides Mr. Calhoun’s hearsay statement,” said Cleland.

3:21 p.m. – A court e-mail was sent out that said, “The jury will be be back in the courtroom in ten minutes to deal with a supplemental charge.”

11:10 a.m. – It took a little under two hours for the testimonies of Mike McQueary and Dr. Dranov to be re-read to the jury by each of the attorneys. The jury was escorted back to the deliberation room.

9:16 a.m. – Day two of jury deliberation is underway. Sandusky is in the courthouse this morning, although no word on a timeframe for a verdict or other logistics.

Day Eight: June 21, 2012

8:45 p.m. – The jury requested to review the testimony of Mike McQueary and Dr. Dranov. Judge Cleland said that due to the length of the transcript, this would be done tomorrow morning. The jury is expected to deliberate until around 9:30 tonight, and will continue tomorrow. There will be no verdict tonight.

8:18 p.m. – An e-mail was sent over the court media list that said, “the jury may be back into court to assess the need for logistical planning.” Attorneys are back in the courtroom.

7:21 p.m. – The jury is expected to deliberate until 9 p.m, and continue tomorrow if a verdict is not reached.

5:55 p.m. – We’re approaching hour five in jury deliberations. No word yet on when they will reach a verdict. Since court adjourned, Jerry Sandusky’s son Matt’s lawyer has released a statement saying he was also abused by his father. Read more here.

1:20 p.m. – The jury went into deliberation at 1:14 p.m. No timetable was given for how long they will take to reach a verdict. Media will be given 20 minutes notice when a verdict is reached.

1:16 p.m. – Head prosecutor Joe McGettigan gave his closing argument to the jury early this afternoon. He alleges a “grand conspiracy” is being implied by the defense, and that it simply isn’t rational. McGettigan also said that “The Pennsylvania State University isn’t on trial. The Second Mile isn’t on trial. It’s a shame they got brought into this.” Here’s our update.

11:25 a.m. – Joe Amendola just delivered the defense’s closing statement. He said of Sandusky, “Everyone he’s ever loved. Everything he’s ever stood for. Is gone.” Read about it here. The prosecution is expected to begin after a short recess.

9:47 a.m. – Judge Cleland delivered his jury instructions this morning. Closing statements are expected to begin after the short recess. Here’s our update.

8:02 a.m. – Closing arguments are set to begin today, in what should be the final day in court until the verdict. Stay tuned for updates throughout the day.

Day Seven: June 20, 2012

11:47 a.m. – The defense has rested. Closing arguments will resume at 9 a.m. tomorrow.

11:05 a.m. – “Pedo Bear” was seen outside the courthouse earlier this morning. Photo by Bill Wadell.

10:29 a.m. – Two former Second Mile participants testified this morning, both of whom only had positive interactions with Sandusky. One says he only came to court today to thank Sandusky for what he did for him in his life. Here’s our update.

9:54 a.m. – The first witness to testify this morning was Dr. Jonathan Dranov, who Mike McQueary informed in 2001 of the shower incident with Victim 2. A Second Mile employee also took the stand, and said that McQueary attended a Second Mile golf tournament in 2003. Here’s our update.

8:40 a.m. – Check out our photo album from yesterday, courtesy of photographer Mike Misciagno.

7:57 a.m. – We’re back in court in what is expected to be the final day of defense testimony. There are murmors about Sandusky taking the stand, but in any case, the defense expects to rest by noon. Keep checking back throughout the day for updates.

Day Six: June 19, 2012

4:50 p.m. – Dottie Sandusky testified this afternoon, as well as a psychiatrist who says that he doesn’t think that Sandusky had histrionic personality disorder. Here’s our final update of the day. Judge Cleland says he still expects the defense to rest by noon tomorrow.

2:52 p.m. – A former Penn State wrestler began the afternoon by saying that he and Sandusky are very good friends, and that Sandusky gave him a 1986 Fiesta Bowl watch as a gift. Sandusky also wrote him a poem, part of which saying “Thanks for having a special touch…Thanks, mostly, for just being you.” Later, the mother of Victim 1 and one of her neighbors testified. The neighbor recalls Victim 1’s mother saying “when this all settles out I’ll have a nice big house in the country.” A defense psychologist that diagnosed Sandusky with histrionic personality disorder (HPD) also testified . Here’s our update. 

12:32 p.m. – A character witness from earlier testimony is swarmed by the media as she exits the courthouse during lunch break.

12:19 p.m. – Joe Amendola called on Victim 4’s attorney Ben Andreozzi and recalled two investigators in an attempt to show that they may have influenced Victim 4 into claiming alleged abuse. Here’s our update.

10:42 a.m. – Several character witnesses were called to the stand this morning, including a former Penn State football player. Here’s our update.

8:18 a.m. – We’re in the second day of the defense’s argument. Here’s Judge John Cleland coming into the courthouse this morning. Stay tuned throughout the day for updates.

Day Five: June 18, 2012

4:41 p..m. – Jerry Sandusky leaves court today.

2:11 p.m. – Testimony was cut short this afternoon after only three brief witnesses, citing technical difficulties. Judge Cleland also says he expects the defense to rest by noon on Wednesday, which is sooner than most people anticipated. Here’s our last update of the afternoon. We’ll be back tomorrow morning for day six.

11:55 a.m. – The prosecution called their final witness, Victim 9’s mother, who said that she feels responsible for the abuse, before resting at 10:23. Former Penn State assistant coach and long-time friend of Sandusky, Dick Anderson, was the first witness to testify for the defense, who was followed by a former Second Mile participant who spoke highly of Sandusky. Former Penn State assistant coach Booker Brooks also testified. Here’s our update.

9:55 a.m. – After the defense unsuccessfully argued to drop most of the charges against Sandusky, the prosecution did agree to drop one of the 52 charges. Here’s our morning update.

8:46 a.m. – Among the possible defense witnesses: Dottie Sandusky, Dr. Dranov, and Jerry Sandusky himself. Find out more here.

8:22 a.m. – The defense is expected to call an expert on Histrionic Personality Disorder at some point this week. Find out more about the disease here.

7:55 a.m. – After a three day recess, we’re back in court for week two of the Sandusky trial. The defense is expected to call their first witness today. Get up to date with our interactive timeline, and make sure to keep checking back throughout the day for updates.

Day Four: June 14, 2012

6:24 p.m. – Jerry Sandusky just shrugged as he left the Centre County Courthouse today. We’ll back in court on Monday at a time TBD.

4:22 p.m. – Victim 9 — the last of the 8 known accusers to testify — said that Sandusky forced anal insertion on him, and that he stayed over at Sandusky’s house over 100 times. He also attended the 2011 Illinois football game against Penn State, which would be Joe Paterno’s final game as head coach, only one week before Sandusky was arrested. Here’s our update. Court will NOT be in session tomorrow, and will resume Monday morning at a time yet to be determined.

3:05 p.m. – Investigative agent Anthony Sassano was the first witness to testify after lunch, and he presented information on the investigation of Sandusky, beginning in 2008. Here’s our update. Judge Cleland still says the prosecution is expected to finish their case today.

12:17 p.m. – A lawyer for victim 6 speaks outside the Centre County Courthouse during recess.

12:08 p.m. – Victim 3 took the stand after the short recess. He, like many other alleged victims, claims that Sandusky often touched his leg in the car. During his first shower with Sandusky, Victim 3 testified that he was guilted into showering next Sandusky. Victim 3 also said, “He made me feel like I was part of something, like a family.” He was also very upset when Sandusky ceased communication with him after he was sent off to a group home.

Judge Cleland announced that he expects the prosecution to complete their case this afternoon. Court is adjourned for lunch break until 1:00 pm. Here’s our update.

10:27 a.m. – Victim 6 was the first witness to testify this morning, and he described an isolated incident in the Lasch football building shower in 1998. He says Sandusky gave him a bear hug in the shower after a workout, and called himself the “tickle monster.” Victim 6’s mother called the police when she found out about the incident. However, Victim 6 remained friendly with Sandusky up through 2011, which Joe Amendola pointed out. A detective who investigated the incident in 1998 also testified. We’ll have an update soon.

10:20 a.m. – Although not related to the trial, Jerry Sandusky’ 1986 National Championship ring is now on eBay.

7:39 a.m. – We’re back here for day four. Check back today for updates from Bellefonte.

Day Three: June 13, 2012

4:24 p.m. – Judge Cleland spent a portion of the afternoon hearing arguments about admitting testimony from a colleague of a former janitor at the Lasch football building. The janitor has since been diagnosed with dementia, but Cleland eventually allowed the second-hand evidence to be heard in the form of a colleague who was present the night of the alleged abuse. Here’s our update.

2:45 p.m. – Victim 5 testified after lunch, emotionally describing an incident in the Lasch Building showers in 2001. During cross-examination, Amendola pointed out that Victim 5 had initially messed up the year of the incident with the Grand Jury, where he testified that the abuse had occurred sometime from 1996-1998. The prosecution then played Sandusky’s interview with Bob Costas on NBC’s “Rock Center” program. Here’s our update.

1:02 p.m. – Here’s a panorama from the top step of the courthouse, looking out into a swarm of media.

12:22 p.m. – Victim 7 – the fourth alleged victim to testify – says abuse started in 1995 and that Jerry Sandusky provided tickets to Penn State football games for many years. He never reported the abuse, because he figured “I get to go to these games, so I’ll push that part to the back of my mind.” Joe Amendola then cross-examined Victim 7, indicating an inconsistency between today’s testimony and what he previously told a Grand Jury. Court is adjourned until 1:45 pm. Here’s our update.

10:28 a.m. – John McQueary was the first to testify today. He recounted the phone conversation he had with his son — Mike McQueary — after witnessing Sandusky sodomize a boy in the shower. John said that McQueary made it clear that he had “not seen intercourse.” In a surprising twist, John McQueary also denied testifying in the Tim Curley/Gary Schultz preliminary hearing, even when presented with a transcript from the hearing. He was at the hearing, and it was seen as a major blunder. Victim 10 also testified, saying that Sandusky made him perform oral sex on him in the fall of 1998. Here’s our update.

7:38 a.m. – We’re back in Bellefonte for day three. Proceedings ended early yesterday because the next witness is expected to take a considerable amount of time. Stay tuned throughout the day for updates.

Day Two: June 12, 2012

4:26 p.m. – McQueary was cross examined by Karl Rominger, who tried to find holes in McQueary’s testimony to the Grand Jury. Then, the wrestling coach for Victim 1 was called to testify, who claims he witnessed Sandusky on top of Victim 1 after wrestling practice one night in a secluded room. He didn’t think anything of it at the time, because “Sandusky was a saint.” Here’s our last update of the day. Court was then adjourned, as the next witness is expected to take a substantial amount of time. Court is back in session tomorrow at 9 a.m.

3:01 p.m. – In a surprise move, Mike McQueary was called to testify earlier than expected today. McQueary gave accounts of how he witnessed a young boy being sodomized by Sandusky in the shower at the on-campus Lasch Football building. The defense tried to discredit McQueary, citing the fact that McQueary has testified that he looked in the shower room three times, but told the Grand Jury he only looked in twice. Here’s our update.

12:02 p.m. – Victim 1 finished his testimony, and answered questions as Amendola tried to knock his credibility by point out that Victim 1 had given inconsistent stories to the police, psychologists, and the Grand Jury. Victim 1 broke down sobbing on the stand at Amendola’s repeated questions, and said “I just want to stop!” Several other witnesses were called to the stand, including Victim 1’s grandfather, a hotel manager at a local Hilton, and a Centre County Child & Youth Services case worker, who interviewed Sandusky. Here’s our update. Court will resume at 1 p.m. after recess for lunch.

10:35 a.m. – Victim 1 — the youngest Victim in the Grand Jury report — was the first witness to take the stand this morning. During a teary eyed emotional testimony, he described how Sandusky made him perform oral sex on him over 20 times in a 2 year period. He also claimed Sandusky stalked him after he started removing himself from Sandusky in 2008. Here’s our update.

6:00 a.m. – We’re back in Bellefonte for day two, although it looks like we might get wet today. Stick with us as the prosecution continues calling witnesses this morning.

Day One: June 11, 2012

5:31 p.m. – Victim 4 concluded his testimony after more questions from Amendola. Victim 4 claimed that he has showered with other Penn State coaches multiple times, and none of them witnessed abuse — although he says he thinks Tom Bradley may have suspected something was going on when he stayed around to chat one day. Victim 4 also claims that Sandusky gave him money to buy marijuana, and that he smoked it in the car while Sandusky watched. Mark McCann, Associate Programming Director for The Second Mile, also gave testimony relating to an ambiguous agreement between Sandusky and Victim 4 before court was adjourned for the day. Here’s our final wrap-up of the day.

3:39 p.m. – Joe Amendola had his chance to cross-examine Victim 4, where Victim 4 admitted that he feels responsibility for all of the other victims for not coming forward sooner. Here’s our update.

2:13 p.m. – The prosecution called their first witness to the stand, Victim 4 in the Grand Jury presentment. Victim 4 — a former Second Mile child — went into graphic details on sexual acts Sandusky would attempt to perform on him. Victim 4 claims that Sandusky attempted to sodomize him in the showers of the Lasch Football Building, and estimates that there were nearly 40 incidences of sexual misconduct between them. The questioning was cut short due to a technical difficulty, and a 20 minute recess was called. Here’s our update (Warning: Graphic language.)

11:41 a.m. – Joe Amendola delivered his opening statement to the jury, in which he admitted that representing Sandusky was “a daunting task” and compared it to “climbing Mount Everest” or “David vs. Goliath.” Court is now in an hour long lunch recess. Here’s our update from the defense’s remarks.

10:44 a.m. – The prosecution delivered their opening remarks this morning in a 40 minute statement. Lead prosecutor Joe McGettigan delivered a photo slideshow which included headshots all eight identified victims. Find out more here.

7:40 a.m.– This is the view from the courthouse steps with the trial set to begin in a little over an hour.

6:00 a.m. – Over 250 media credentials were issued to both local and national outlets. Here’s what our two look like.

Additionally, a tunnel has been set up in the back of the courthouse to shield witnesses from view when they enter.

Pre-Trial Coverage

Jerry Sandusky Trial Reference Guide Coverage

Sandusky Case — The Parties Involved

Courtroom Twitter Ban Infringes on Citizenship

Paterno Family Issues Statement on Sandusky Trial

Penn State Releases Statement as Sandusky Trial Begins

Jury Set: Trial to Begin Monday Morning

Key Events Leading Up to Sandusky Trial

Jury Will Need To Set Aside Penn State Ties for Fair Verdict

First Grand Jury Report

Second Grand Jury Report

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