

Month: April 2010

Ragland-Smith Disqualified; Keirans to Return

In a surprise move last night, the UPUA Election Commission disqualified election winners Christian Ragland and Colleen Smith for unfairly playing the experience card, as well as runners-up David Adewumi and Devin Weakland for not playing the inexperience card. Echoing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, outgoing President Gavin Keirans has forced through legislation that will allow for him to stay on as UPUA President for a third term, despite his impending graduation.

Keirans stated in an interview last night that, "I'm looking forward to coming back next year and hopefully actually accomplishing something. We've laid the groundwork over the past two years that I've been President, but frankly, I didn't think that the two candidates would be able to make anything of it. I'm very much so looking forward to 'telegoverning' from my job in corporate America. I feel that with today's advances in communication, I'll really be able to keep a good pulse on the student body through Penn State Live."

Read on for the full scoop.

Munchies Beware: Police To Use Lionmenus to Track Potheads

In an effort to crack down on marijuana use in State College, police are taking a rather unorthodox approach to crime-fighting by using the popular food-ordering website Lionmenus. A spokesman for the State College Police said of the new initiative:

We were brainstorming the other day, and we thought, what do people who smoke weed like the most? And the answer was easy-- food delivered straight to their door. So we partnered up with Lionmenus and obtained their records of delivery orders, and the results are promising so far. We already have over 5000 suspects that order from Lionmenus on a daily basis.

Police say establishment targets of interest include Wings Over Happy Valley, Insomnia Cookies, R U Hungry, and Philly Pretzels. There are others, but due to the secrecy of the operation, police have declined to give any more details about which restaurants they're targeting.

After the jump: more details on this new police strategy.

Google Buys Onward State

Last night, leadership of Onward State met with senior Google Executives Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Eric Schmidt to close a deal many months in the making.

Google approached Onward State in December with an offer of $1.2 million in cash and an additional $3.7 million in shares of the technology giant. After much wheeling and dealing, Onward State staff convinced Google to also implement their new 1GB high speed internet project in State College.

Dorm residents will unfortunately continue to face slower-than-molasses internet speeds and the same download/upload limits as you did before. Only residents of State College will benefit from incredible internet speeds.

Read statements from Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Onward State Publisher Davis Shaver after the jump.

Lorem Ipsum! Morbi Gravida?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam rhoncus hendrerit blandit. Morbi nec purus vitae ante consectetur venenatis eu sit amet metus. Fusce eget nisl est, et viverra ipsum. Nunc mollis velit venenatis turpis vestibulum consectetur. Maecenas faucibus aliquet dolor sed ornare. In egestas consectetur sem, ac blandit nunc ultricies quis. In quis nunc porttitor dui viverra convallis. Suspendisse eros risus, sodales et euismod a, sodales vitae enim. Suspendisse porta pellentesque leo a auctor. Morbi tempus ullamcorper sem at viverra. Morbi gravida magna sed ipsum pretium vel semper nibh dignissim. Nulla nec feugiat justo.

(More after the jump!)

OS Staffer Causes Twitter Shutdown at PSU

With a look of disgust permanently frozen onto his face and @OnwardState's Twitter feed resonating from his desktop, Graham Spanier announced from Old Main yesterday that the social networking site would no longer be accessible from anywhere on the University grounds.

Read on to find out what happened...

Collegian Names New General Manager

The Daily Collegian's search for a new general manager has come to an end. When the newspaper's GM Gerry Hamilton announced his resignation, the Collegian began looking for a replacement (see our March 17 post). And they've finally found one.

Insiders at the Collegian have been quoted as saying, "Based on a statistical analysis of the number of hours put into this search by the Collegian's administration, the height and weight of the applicants for the position, their median age, and their average number of cups of coffee consumed daily, we have reached the conclusion that the quest for a new general manager was only slightly less treacherous and time consuming than Percival's quest for the Holy Grail. However, we believe our new GM will allow the newspaper to illuminate the Penn State community in never-before seen ways, making it a shining, glimmering beacon of journalistic light. He has truly been the pot o' gold at the end of the leprechaun's rainbow."

And who, you may ask, is deserving of such eloquent praise and acclamation?

Why, it's none other than our very own Davis Shaver!

Read his planned initiatives after the jump.

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